This week’s meditation thought will focus on what I like to call the triple “D’s” or the “Download Directions of the Devine” Much like the multitude of gadgets that aim to keep us focused, we should also tune ourselves for insight and revelations to help us focus our shift and transform our lives. This Download Directions of the Devine is attained via a practice of prayer, meditation, and sacred study.  Take a minute, two, five or what you can spare and start. It is through these Aha moments that give us the opportunities to be present and awake and ask God for the insights you need to change your life.

This week’s Action Plan: All this weeks look for divine guidance for transformation or triple D’s. Taking those moments you set aside and begin contemplating your next steps via prayer, meditation and sacred study, and begin to outline the goal plus obstacles needed to overcome that which you are seeking.

Peace and blessings,

– Skip