We’ll end the week by building on the illuminated life meditation from Monday’s post and look at water as way to connect with your body. Aqua aerobics and swimming are two of the best ways to get in shape. As your body-temple is forced to move through resistance as the water it creates a 360-degree weight room. The body is 60% water, so the natural flow of the pool supports your intention. Today, explore your neighborhood, find your community pool, and go get wet. As we continue to discover this world of health and fitness, we must be willing to try new forms of exercise. As we dance the dance of transformation, our paths give us new ideas to express the light that lives within us.

Our Affirmation: Just for this moment…just for this breath, and repeat; my life is the life of God and I live the life that illuminates this planet. And so it is. Amen

Have a terrific weekend!
