Friday Body Connection and Affirmation – Joy
Meditating on Joy and setting intentions on what brings us joy has been our theme this week. When we connect with God within, we connect with the divine qualities of the Holy Spirit. Fun workouts are the best and most often filled with joy. When we choose to exercise in the enjoyable realm or happy vibrational field, we stick with it.
During a workout, be willing to experience the quality of joy as you run, walk, or jog. Let your heart be glad when you do your strength training and be in a state of joy always when you enter your yoga classes. The vibration you choose in the beginning will be the fuel and energy that lifts your practice. This is were mind overcomes matter.
This week’s affirmation: Just for this moment…just for this breath, repeat to yourself that you are joy rising and live a life filled with blessings. Amen.
– Skip
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