This Week’s Meditative Thought – Spiritual Awakening
Spiritual Awakening
This week’s we’ll focus on the quest for spiritual awakening. This is especially true if you are just going through the motions of life. Remember that everything that we do is an opportunity to awaken our awareness to God that lives within us all. Through contemplating and meditating we set the spiritual intention of living and help ignite the flame of truth and our life begins to have meaning. Every time we set the intention to grow spiritually, a new beginning is taking place and thus begins the knowledge of our divine self, our higher self.
Spring is the perfect time to allow yourself the journey of divine exploration. Allow it to be your #1 priority and let the old way of just surviving fall away and embrace your spiritual awakening. There is a power greater than you that lives within your spirit and it is ready to be awakened. Set the intention to live to your greatest potential; awaken to a new life that is fulfilling and meaningful.
This Week’s Spiritual Assignment:
All this week, take the time to cultivate your life purpose. Set into a daily practice with the focus to expand your consciousness. Sit in meditation with only the Omni purpose to connect with Source.
Peace and Blessings,
– Skip
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