DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS: 30 Days of Prayer-Day 19 “Prayer to Manifestation”
DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS: 30 Days of Prayer-Day 19 “Prayer to Manifestation”
Meditative Thought: Inherent in every desire is the seed of its fulfillment.” – Deepak Chopra
Deepak speaks of faith. Know from the beginning; your prayers are being fulfilled. It is done. It is complete. The Universe never says no; yes is always answer; yes to your highest good.
Manifestation doesn’t always look the way we want it to, but it always shows up. Blessings might not show up when we want them to, but they always show up. Have faith that the Universe is working for you highest good. Release your expectations of how God should bless you.
Spiritual Assignment: Today, Pray without expectations except one; know that God is blessing you right now with a BIG FAT YES!
Affirmation: Just for this moment… just for this breath, I say yes to the Universe and the Universe says yes to me. Amen
Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach
For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit: www.skipjennings.com
thank you for your wonderful spiritual nuggets!
As I read your post, I have a book open before me with the quote “You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it true” Richard Bach
I love synchronicity!
Thank you for your Love!