DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS:  31 Days of Setting Intentions Day 11 “Celebrate You”

Meditative Thought: It is so important that we set the intention to celebrate who and what we are everyday.  This spiritual practice is the elevation of Divine Joy within our souls and is a daily action that anchors our oneness with God.  When we are mindful of God as our life, there is this sense that everything within our lives is good.  There is no need for doubt, fear, lack or limitation thinking, there is only room to celebrate.

The type of celebration or what I call the ‘spiritual happy dance’ is personal.  It could be an act of giving, it could be a mantra, “God is, I am, and I celebrate.”  It could be the participation of a physical act like walking in the park, playing with your pet or loved one, or taking a yoga class.  It doesn’t matter how you rejoice, it only matter that we celebrate. There is a little song we sing at our spiritual community called, “Celibate.”  The first line says, “There is a light inside of you bother and I don’t know if you know there’s a light, a light that is so bright and I thought I tell you.” The chorus goes on to to say, “Celibate, celebrate, celebrate, celebrate.” Sometimes a little song that reminded you to rejoice or a prayer of “Thank you God” is a celebration of the life of the Holy Spirit that is within us.

Spiritual Assignment:  Today, celebrate who and what you are.  Decide how you want to celebrate and consciously take the action to rejoice.  For the next 30 days create a ritual that will elevate your gratitude and thanksgiving for the blessing of your oneness with God, then celebrate.

Affirmation:  Just for this moment…just for this breath, I celebrate the God that lives within me.  Today I am Joy rising, and I am grateful.  Amen.

Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT

Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach

For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit: www.skipjennings.com