DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS: 29 Days of Love – Day 18 “Intimacy With God”

Meditative Thought: The only true power is the power of God that lives within you.  When I speak of a higher self, I am not talking about a deity that lives outside of you, on a mountain somewhere, shelling out gifts and punishments; I am talking about a God that is you, living within your soul.  The only way we can connect with God is through our practice of meditation.  Meditation or stillness is our intimacy with our divine self.  It is our sacred time with the greatest part of us.  When we spend time with God, we spend time with ourselves.  Today, spend time cultivating your oneness with your higher self.  Open your consciousness to the power of an intimate life with God.

Your Spiritual Assignment: Are you intimate with God? Are you intimate with yourself? What is your daily practice?  Do you spend quality time with God?  Do you talk with Spirit?  Do you listen to the Universe?  Today, list ways that you can get to know God and yourself better.  List ways you can deepen your time with your Higher Power.  After you create your list, put it into practice.  Remember, God works in you, through you, and as you.  Spirit and you are one.  You can’t hear “The Voice” if you don’t listen for it.  If you only listen to the world and its static, that is how you will live.  Your intimate time with God and yourself help you live a static-free life.

Affirmations: Just for this moment…just for this breath, I know who I am so I live in the greatness of the Divine Infinite.  Today, I am intimate with God therefore I am intimate with myself.  Only transcendence is happening in my life and I rejoice in my many “Ah ha” moments of great revelations.   I am here for God and I live the message of love.  And so it is.


Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach
For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit: www.skipjennings.com