The Body Connection:  I invite you to find your divine happiness in every moment when training the body-temple.  Connect with your inner joy as you walk, run, and lift weights.  Sometimes you need to take your mind off the work that you are doing and connect with the source of all things.  Put on your favorite song or inspirational tape to uplift your vibration.  Find an exercise class and connect with a community.  Fellowship and a feeling of belonging is always a great tool to activate your inner bliss.  Dissociate the discomfort of working-out and go within to a place were peace lives.  Find your Joy; it is always available for activation.

Meditative Thought: Do you know what activates Joy in your life?  Do you know what allows you to connect with your inner happiness?  Joy is a divine quality that comes from our connection with the Universal presence of God.  It is who and what we are.  In our fast-paced world we must slow down and remember Joy, remember God.  When we are challenged with finding our Joy, it is a direct inability to connect with God.  To find our Joy we must slow down, be still, and know the Joy within.  Yes, there are external sources that help to activate Joy, but it is our stillness that helps us to be aware that Joy is present.  Whatever brings you Joy, surrender and become one with it; do it everyday.  Joy is a spiritual quality that can be experienced when we know what activates it.  Allow Joy to be your anchor, your strength through the challenging times.

Today’s Action Plan:  Today, surrender to Joy.  Set the intention to find your Joy no matter what.  Support your practice with anything that activates your divine happiness.  Make a list of what activates Joy within and participate in it.  Before meditation, play your favorite song.  Before or after your workout, read a short passage from your favorite book that inspires you.  Joy is the up-leveler of your vibration; connect with your inner Joy today.

Affirmation:  Just for this moment…just for this breath, the Joy of the Lord is my strength.  Amen

Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach

For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit: www.skipjennings.com
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