Today’s Body Connection:  It is time to draw the line: what do you stand for?  Becoming our authentic self is our greatest challenge but is also our greatest achievement.  When we decide our life’s path, we must be willing to live it.  This past summer, I got the opportunity to teach children’s fitness at my spiritual community, one the greatest honors of my life.  I got the opportunity to talk to the kids about being healthy and active everyday.  During a game of soccer, I had an Aha moment about the reason I was running around like a teenager.  I heard my inner voice say, “This is who I am.”  It was not referring to me playing like a child, but about being active for the rest of my life.  Today, draw the line and cross it.  Stand up and be counted for your healthy life.

Today’s Meditative Thought:  Stand up and be counted for something.  You are not going through a transformation to be passive.  This change is to elevate the planet.  This work you have said yes to is not for naught.  It is to up-level the consciousness of the people around you.  As you are lifted, men, women, and children will follow.

Today’s Action Plan:  Today, allow your health and fitness to shine so all people may see it.  Be lifted up to a new horizon.  Set the intention to stand for your life.  During your training, remind yourself that you’re doing this because you are worthy.  Before you make a decision, ask yourself, “Would my high self make this choice?”  Connect with your commitment and stay accountable with your higher vibration.

Today’s Affirmation:  Just for this moment…just for this breath, I stand for God as I up-level my consciousness.  Amen

Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach

For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit: www.skipjennings.com
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