DAILY TRANSFORMATIONAL NUGGETS FOR THE BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT: 31 Days of Setting Intentions – Day 5 “Why We Are Here”
DAILY TRANSFORMATIONAL NUGGETS FOR THE BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT: 31 Days of Setting Intentions – Day 5 “Why We Are Here”
Today’s Body Connection: When we participate in a physical practice, we begin to understand the meaning of life. We were created to live an existence filled with abundance and prosperity, and that includes our health. Our physical training can lead to the awakening that we are alive and well. After a great yoga class or cycling session, the vibration is extra-heightened and filled with living energy. When we understand the meaning of being alive, we will set the intention to know more of life. Life-energy is contagious. When we connect with our intention of having the best possible existence, people will catch the vibe and they will want to know what is it about us. We will begin to radiate our intentions and share our enlightenment, and that is why we are here.
Today’s Meditative Thought: We are here upon this planet to share our gifts and to know our divine self. We are not here to get anything, but to give. Because we all are one, connected by the spirit of God, when we give we receive. It is the “Law of Circulation.” This is the time to set the intention to know our oneness. We are living in a very unique time in our existence. We have two choices: to evolve in consciousness and grow as a people, or annihilate each other and call it a day. I am choosing the path of growth. Will you join me? Let’s remember why we have chosen to experience this side of eternity. Let’s remember why we are here.
Today’s Action Plan: Today’s lesson is to remember why you are here. Take the time to bless everyone with your gifts and talents. During your time at work, school, or play, set the intention to bless and to give love. Remind yourself that you are here to give, not to get. Walk with a new intention to show up as God.
Today’s Affirmation: Just for this moment…just for this breath, I know the one power that is my life; therefore I am the blessing. I move and groove with a new divine rhythm. And so it is. Amen.
Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach
Exercise with Skip online at https://www.spirofit.com/Trainer/Skip-Jennings_10
For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit: www.skipjennings.com
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