The Month of February: New Look and Feel for You & Me
February is the month of loving yourself and your body from the inside out. The way we feel can help give us the confidence to love ourselves. Transforming the way that we feel can help our spiritual journey to the new you– the transformation of our spiritual selves.
This year is all about transformation and I am going to take you on a journey with me. Follow me with my new blog, new look and advice to get you moving and appreciating the inner you that has laid dormant. Try something new with me and my SpiroFit workouts that can help you get to the place you want to be. This year is the year of rebirth. If you’re lost, I can show you the way.
Affirmation of transformation: I am _____________ (fill in the blank).
What are you? Personally, I say, “I am loved, I am joy, I am power, I am complete–whole.” When we finish these words, ‘The I am’ this is our truth and our release to push forward.