Embracing A New Practice
During this time of embracing the practice, be willing to do something new. Step out of your comfort zone a try a modality that you have never tried before. Try switching up your physical fitness. If you normally do yoga, then try walking outside. If you love lifting weights, then go for a run. Switch it up. Make it new. You will reignite your energy.
Sometimes we have a high mental, physical or even spiritual plateau when we set the intention to shift our lives. Truth be told, we just get sick and tired of doing the same old thing over and over again. Today ask yourself, “Do I need a change?” Be willing to hear the answer. If you get the message to shift, don’t wait—get moving. There is nothing worse that a workout that becomes boring and uninspired.
Also, you might need to change your trainer, instructor or coach. You may need to find a new class or a new teacher. Meditate and ask your inner self, is this person still serving my mission for transformation? There is no wrong or right answer; there is only the time when you are in alignment or when you are not. Sometimes we outgrow our inspiration. The time may have come for you to find someone or try something new.
What I know for sure is that life is an ever-evolving journey. Everything comes into our life for a reason and at specific seasons. Only, you can’t decide when the time to shift your practice comes along. Awareness is key and self-exploration is a must. Trust your own spiritual authority. Change is good if we fully embrace it. As we evolve, so too does our physical, mental and spiritual practice.
Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach
For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit:www.skipjennings.com
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