Vegan Pre-Workout Prep
The team here at has been sampling a variety of pre-workout drinks. To be honest, some of them were better suited for places we’ll not share. Well, this past week we sampled #VegaSport Pre-Workout Energizer and my goodness it tastes so much better than any other brand we’ve tried so far. It tastes great and gave us hope that there are good pre-workout drinks that are good for you AND taste delicious. Vega Sport doesn’t use any harsh additives only mother good natural ingredients that make you feel ready for your workout.
Vega Sport Pre-Workout Energizer comes in individual packaging that’s measured out just right so you can rip off the top and add it to your water bottle in seconds flat. No need to measure out. It’s convenient and really does give you the energy you need without a crash. Natural supplements like this won’t make you feel sick, you feel great. Learn more about VegaSport here.
– The Skip Jennings Team