The Shift With Skip Radio Guest – Cassandra Dunn
We have a great show in store this week with literary powerhouse, Cassandra Dunn joining me on The Shift With Skip Radio Show.
Join us as we’ll be touching on powerful topics like empty-nesting, single parenting, mental health, eating disorders, and teenage growth from Ms. Dunn’s new book, “The Art Of Adapting” Ms. Dunn received her MFA in creative writing from Mills College and was a semifinalist for the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award and a finalist in Glimmer Train’s Short Story Award for New Writers. Her stories have appeared in All Things Girl, Midwest Literary Magazine’s Bearing North, Read Short Fiction, Literary House Review, The MacGuffin, 322 Review, Fix it Broken, Clapboard House, Every Writer’s Resource, Rougarou Fiction, and Sand Canyon Review. Cassandra Dunn resides in the San Francisco Bay Area with her two children and a beautiful Vizsla.
Tune into the show here The Shift With Skip Radio Shows are broadcasts live at 10AM every Wednesday’s, Check my events page for the latest upcoming guests or to listen to past shows.