Happy New Year
Wishing you a Happy New Year! 2014 was busy year and one that took me across the country and around the world sharing what I love best and meeting both new and old friends. I’m especially thankful for all my loved ones close and near and my team who keep me sane. I’m also especially grateful to my colleagues and to all of you for the encouragement you showed me this year. Let’s make 2015 and even better one.
In 2015, let’s think about making promises to yourself. But instead of making a list of specific resolutions, make a promise to yourself that as you go along (living in the present moment) to live the best life that you can. Give yourself the opportunity to experience new things with much less stress. Let this coming year be productive no matter where you are at in your journey. Wishing you a happy and adventurous 2015!
Peace and Blessings,
– Skip
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