Skip’s Weekend Affirmation + Bonus Body Connection – God Revealing
This Weekend’s affirmation will have a bonus Body Connection. I truly believe that a balance between our spiritual and our physical being is essential for living your life to its biggest potential. Remember, the body-temple is the God in the flesh and deserves to be treated as such. When we choose to exercise, we choose to play in the field of God.
When we begin to activate our internal strength in our physical practice, we allow the Universe to express itself fully. It’s not only the mind and the spirit that requires a practice to grow; the body is in need of work for its edification, too.
God wants to express it self in every way; allow each workout to be an expression of what is going on inside of you. Bottom line, move your body, be it a walk, a climb, yoga, spinning whatever your movement it will power both the spirit and body.
That said, here’s this weekend’s affirmation:
Just for this moment…just for this breath, I remember that I am bathed in God’s love and I am blessed. Amen
Have a wonderful and safe weekend.
– Skip