I’m Celebrating Y’all! Activate Global Gratitude!! Join me. (Details inside)
I am so proud to share that on this coming Saturday, September 26, I am celebrating, along with 17 other ministers, our yes to sharing the light!
This ceremony of completion is long in coming yet right on time!
This journey taught me so much!
Saturday night’s celebration is the culmination of a 10-year
journey that at one point, I wanted to stop.
I wanted to give up!
I had had enough.
Can you relate, y’all?!!
But . . . I’m here to tell you this: stick with your calling, stick with your intentions! It is worth it!
You got this.
This Friday, September 25, 7am PDT, on Insight Timer, I will teaching, The Activation of Global Gratitude.
Because we are connected we can experience fear + worry as social consciousness.
During this brief talk and guided meditation, we will explore the spiritual technology of Gratitude and how it affects the Collective.

Please mark your calendars for C.A.R.E.S. Yoga and Meditation on Monday, September 28, 10 am PDT.
Get Zen at 10 am PDT for $10/class.

Until then, stay well.
Peace + Many Blessings,
Minister, Author, Speaker, Coach
Mind Body Spirit Solution L L C
Mind Body Spirit Solution L L C