Here’s What You Can Do To Take Back Your Power! (RISE UP + FREE 10-Day Course )

Friday, October 16, 7 AM PDT
with Skip Jennings

Rev Skip Jennings
Quote: My ministry’s always been one of social activism. I think a responsible minister must be at some levels involved in the social order.” Al Sharpton
George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Tami Rice, Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Jacob Blake, Alvin Cole, Philando Castile, so many new ancestors to remember as we shake our heads in disbelief. What we are seeing is a polar experience to the spiritual principle of Oneness.Racism, police brutality, and social inequality is a call for spiritual activists to RISE UP! This is a time for activism, anchored in our spiritual practice, to pave the way to change. You might not know what to do, but you feel the need to do something. We might not know what to do during this time of dis-ease, but we feel the need to do something. Our social justice inner warrior is being called into action. To begin, we must be clear, so let examine three questions.
What is Spirituality?
Spirituality is the understanding and belief that there is something greater than the human incarnation and sensory experience. A trust that we are part of a cosmic or divine energy in nature.
What is Activism?
Activism is an intentional action to bring about social change. To right wrongs and usher in social justice and equality.
What is Spiritual Activism?
Creating change and transformation using spiritual technology as a tool for inspiration. Prayer, Meditation, Mantra Yoga, Visioning, Service, Gracious Giving, etc. inspire a personal transformation that sparks community activism. It is bringing together the path of spirituality and the action of activism.
God inspires spiritual activism, and action comes from love, compassion, and oneness to generate more of the same. To know ‘what is mine to do,’ we must first get quiet and contemplate. We are all called to do something, but only Spirit can guide us. I remember the wise metaphorical quote, “treat and move your feet,” but move with clarity and mindfulness.
Today, I am inspired by God and I move with purpose and intention. Amen.
To support you during these turbulent times and beyond, I have created something special, just for you!
New Course Exclusive on The Spiritual Life App
During these unprecedented times, we are dealing with a pandemic, racial injustice, and environmental concerns.

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The Spiritual Life App is filled with premium content created and curated by yours truly, Rev Skip, meant to uplift, inspire + transform you on a daily basis!
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