High Conscious Conversation Webcast Premieres Wednesday (+ Healing The Trauma of Racism)
As an author, speaker, minister, and podcaster, communicating is my business.
I love the opportunity to speak with spiritual leaders, and movers and shakers, about their life journey!
So, I am excited to announce, High Conscious Conversation Webcast, which premieres this Wednesday, November 11, 11 am PDT.
This is a dream come true!
High Conscious Conversation will feature dialogues with my friends, teachers and spiritual influencers about what inspires them, and, how they are influencing change.
We are going to have a real conversation about everything.
My inaugural guest is Preston Smiles.
Preston is a Conscious Businessman, Trailblazer, Personal Freedom coach, Speaker, Social Media influencer, and, author. His books include, Love Louder: 33 Ways to Amplify Your Life and Now or Never: Your Epic Life in 5 Steps (both published by Simon & Schuster). He is founder of Kaboom Coaching, Co-founder of The Bridge Method and badass messenger of love.
Preston is a force to be reckoned with on the personal growth scene leading cutting edge workshops all over the world with his equally as powerful wife Alexi Panos.
He has won awards like Millennial Mentor of the Year, graced the cover of Inspired Coach Magazine and Millennial Magazine, and has been featured on some of the biggest podcasts and shows in the world, such as Impact Theory and School of Greatness.
As Jack Canfield and Michael Beckwith have identified him, “Preston is unstoppable.”
Mark your calendars for Wednesday, November 11, 11 am PDT and join us for what will be a High Conscious Conversation!

The multigenerational trauma of racism affects everyone.
When unaddressed, we continue to pass the pain and shame on to generations to come.
Join me on Friday, November 13, 7am PDT on Insight Timer for my master class, Healing The Trauma of Racism.
We will discuss racism and the effects of low vibrational energy on us individually and collectively.
We will evoke the ancestral plane and begin the healing process.
Learn different spiritual technologies + how to apply them daily in my new 10-day course.
Take full responsibility for your spiritual evolution. (typically available on the app for premium members)
The Spiritual Life App is filled with premium content created
and curated by me to uplift, inspire + transform you daily!
Here’s your code: TSLFREEMONTH
The Spiritual Life App!! (Regularly $2.99/mo)
See you Wednesday for High Conscious Conversation and Friday for, Healing the Trauma of Racism!