Glow + Grow For Good!! Wednesday, Thursday + Friday (see inside)
Spiritual growth and unfoldment is an ever evolving process.
As I say, transformation is a choice!
Even when you go through the transition of leaving your earthly suit, you are presented with the choice to grow. (as told to me by my medium friend, Wendy)
So, the invitation that lies before you on a daily basis is this:
>> Will I choose to grow + glow or resist that which is seeking expression through me?

Renewing the Mind, Body and Spirit
“And be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is the good, and acceptable, and perfect the will of God.”
~Romans 12:2
–Many of my “Aha” moments are downloaded during my daily workouts, which I have come to call “physical spiritual practice.” For example, there are times when a run clears my mind, allowing me to enter a receptive mode and begin catching inner guidance about various facets of my life. The physical practice is a conduit for new ideas to flow and for contemplation to take place within my soul. Those who dance the tango, a vigorous dance of surrender have compared its energy to meditation. The practice of yoga is a form of mental focus, experiencing our capability to improve physical flexibility. Movement cross trains body, mind and spirit, creating a whole-person immersion in the Self.
~Romans 12:2
–Many of my “Aha” moments are downloaded during my daily workouts, which I have come to call “physical spiritual practice.” For example, there are times when a run clears my mind, allowing me to enter a receptive mode and begin catching inner guidance about various facets of my life. The physical practice is a conduit for new ideas to flow and for contemplation to take place within my soul. Those who dance the tango, a vigorous dance of surrender have compared its energy to meditation. The practice of yoga is a form of mental focus, experiencing our capability to improve physical flexibility. Movement cross trains body, mind and spirit, creating a whole-person immersion in the Self.
A good cardio workout focuses our attention on our breath, reminding us that the breath connects us to the soul. Strength training anchors a strong connection to Spirit. Yoga postures remind us not only to be flexible in our body, but in all aspects of our lives. Physical movement enlivens and rejuvenates us and the more we relate to it as a spiritual practice we will become encouraged to include it in our daily routine. Caring for our body temple as the vehicle of our soul represents a deep bow of gratitude to Spirit for the miracle the body is.
I welcome you to consider how you can connect movement to your spiritual practice by inviting yourself to consciously notice if there are “Aha” moments that occur during your exercise routine that you simply haven’t yet recognized. It is our thoughts which separate us from the awareness of God so build your mental strength. The physical practice helps us to restore and heal the temple of the Holy Spirit. Today, as we train the body we empower the mind and we unleash our greatness. Set the intention to connect with God fully, mind body and spirit.
Affirmation: Today, I renew my mind, body, and spirit with the Love of God and movement. I infuse love, during my daily practice. I I am blessed and a blessing. And so it is. Amen
Join me Wednesday, February 10, 11 am PST where my next guest on High Conscious Conversations is my friend, John Jacob Mubarak.

You will, as I do, love John Jacob, or, JJ, as he is affectionately called by friends.
Please see his bio below.
John’s role as the Marketing Director at Rythmia is un doubtedly a universally aligned match considering his history and deep connection with Michael Bernard Beckwith, Agape International Spiritual Center Founder and Rythmia partner.
Founded in 2014, Rythmia is an all-inclusive, medically licensed luxury resort that has helped over 6,000 people experience life-changing mir acles through plant medicine ceremonies, ancient and modern wisdom teachings, and leading-edge healing technologies.
In 2009, John Jacob discovered Agape and subsequently studied directly under the auspices of Rev. Michael Beckwith. During this period, John found a singularity of purpose – a deep commitment to spiritual growth and development, both his own and to walk that path with others. John found within him a deep desire to work to wards the vision of the fullest evolution of our collective consciousness through a world that works for the best and highest individual, and collective good.
John has devoted his life’s work to the spirit of Truth and in-service to spiritual truth-seekers through leading workshops, retreats, public speaking engagements, spiritual counseling sessions, prayer treatments, and in his role as a Spiritual Practitioner at Agape and as a Director at Rythmia Life Advancement Center.
Yogic wisdom is that a supple spine creates a supple mind.

Join me Thursday, February 11, 12 pm PST for Gentle Yoga and Sound Bath with me.
And, then, join me on Friday, Friday 12, 7 am PST, for one of my favorite topics, Fitness As A Spiritual Practice.

Minister, Author, Speaker, Coach
Mind Body Spirit Solution L L C