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This Week’s Meditative Thought – The Life Spectacular

Throughout the month of June, we’ll focus on the Recognizing The Divine – Week 1 The Life Spectacular.

What brings you peace of mind? What inspires you to live the life you know you are meant to live? What is your life spectacular? Recognize that the life spectacular is the power that keeps you moving toward greatness is God.

We were created in the image of the Universe; therefore divinely inspire to express every quality that God is. As we peruse the “Life Spectacular,” love, joy, grace, and peace fuel your every step. Go after your dreams with the power and passion that the Kingdom of God has given you; it is in you right now.

Go and restore this world; step out with the knowing that you are supported and you are called to fulfill this mission.

This Week’s Spiritual Assignment:

Today, live “the life spectacular”.  Do what brings you peace and restores your journey. Make a list of all the practices that fuel your life. Be willing to commit to expressing God within. All this week, step out and share God.

Have a blessed week,


Movie Recommendation: Avengers, Age of Ultron

Skip’s a huge fan of the Marvel blockbuster hits, so this time I wanted to give it a shot and see how amazing they were. Turns out, they are! I didn’t realize how much I loved comic films and this one was one of the biggest Avengers films to tie it all together.

Ultron is the biggest and baddest villain that the team would face out of their many fights. This new nemesis was one that was created in part by Iron Man himself. Ultron was supposed to the peaceful crime fighter that would help to save the world, but instead he chose to rid the world of the thing that he thought would destroy the earth most…humans. So to fight off this villain the Avengers would be joined by a new savior, the antithesis of Ultron (Vision). This is a pretty awesome film that tests new limits of each character and brings out more of a human side to some relationships they cultivate as well. The best part of the film would be the new love bubble between the Black Widow and The Hulk. This is a must see Marvel film!

June Replays for Shift With Skip Radio

Skip’s on hiatus this month on The Shift With Skip Radio, but he’s cooking up some big things coming up for himself that he will be sharing with you on the show for the month of July and on. We are putting together a drop dead list of amazing guests and topics that you have been waiting for. Check out this months’ replays for the month and pick up tips for anything in the wellness category on our blog here.


June 3rd at 10 am PT: Chef Phillip Dell from Chopped!

June 10th at 10 am PT: Yoga with Stephen Ewashiw

June 17th at 10 am PT: Shifting the mind and body with Margaret Marshall

June 24th at 10 am PT: Shifting Confidence and Optimism with Kelly Johnson

Hot Summer Activities 2015

If you’re living in Los Angeles, you know there are plenty of wonderful Summer activities that you can walk or drive to. We would love to share our hot list activities with you to keep your summer the best you’ve had yet.

The first activity on our list is Hot Air Balloon Rides!

Have you ever wanted to know what it was like to look down from the clouds on the world you live in and see how big it really is? Then you have got to try a hot air balloon ride. There are even some great packages you can get, with a champagne breakfast for two or a family package and bring everyone! Check out the website here.

Outdoor Films, Vintage and New

We love this place! This is one of the most historical spots for celebrity resting places. Not to get all morbid on you or anything, but you can feel the sweet vibes of people coming together and remembering the beauty of those who have come and gone in film. The beauty of this is that all those souls who passed on, that were once in these films shown at the Hollywood Forever Cemetery, can still watch the films they loved or were in every week during the summer months.

Hiking and Camping

The Santa Monica mountains have everyone from beach, waterfalls and green lush trees to desert like brush trails, caves and more. Don’t let your physical activity be restricted to a gym space because that can get boring. Check out all the amazing trail and skill levels here.

Visit Historical Missions

We’re sure you have heard about all of the wonderful missions in California when you were a kid. How about getting a jump on your child’s upcoming projects by taking a drive down to your local mission and checking out some wonderful and interesting California history.

Summer Outdoor Performances 

If you love art, performance and theater, you are going to love this amazing program sponsored by some local companies hoping to bring art back to the beach cities. Try out some Shakespeare by the Sea this summer and spend a free night with friends, family and have a few laughs. The shows are free, but donations are welcome or you can purchase seating and dinner for a fee.

This Week’s Meditative Thought – Known But To God

Here rests in honored glory an American soldier known but to God.

As someone who has served in the U.S. Armed Forces, I was an airman in the U.S. Air Force, I want to meditate this week on one of the most sacred ritual of the military on this Memorial Day. The guarding of the Tomb of the Unknowns at the Arlington National Cemetery outside Washington D.C.  This video from PBS captures the beautiful ceremony in all its splendid movements of this unique and elaborate ritual known as the “Changing of the Guard”..

Sentinels pace back and forth in front of the Tomb, taking 21 steps north and south, and standing for periods of 21 seconds at either side — 21 symbolizing the military’s “highest honor” of the 21-gun salute. While on duty, the soldiers do not wear rank insignia, as to not outrank the Unknowns. The guards are relieved at the top of every hour, except during visitor hours in the summer months, when the guard is changed on the half hour.




Celebrating Memorial Day Weekend

Memorial Day Weekend. It’s the official start of summer with the pools, trips, BBQ’s and fun. Once called Decoration Day for the placing of flowers on fallen soldier’s grave after the Civil War, Celebrating Memorial Day has grown to one of the biggest holidays in the United States, the beginning of the days of summer. 

Wishing you a terrific holiday weekend, please drive safely where ever your journey takes you to family or friends.

Peace and Blessings,


Skip’s Weekend Affirmation – “Who Are You?”

Let’s start your weekend on the right frame of mind with an affirmation. I recommend affirmations for their ability to reset ones thoughts. To begin, find a quiet place that reflects our meditation theme this week: Who Are You

Just for this moment…just for this breath, I activate the energy of wholeness and perfection that is my life. The utmost appreciation for who I am expands my consciousness. My life is full with Joy, Peace, and Love. Amen

Have a terrific weekend.

– Skip

This Week’s Meditative Thought

“Who Are You?”

This week take a moment and contemplate “who you are” as our meditative thought of the week. I’m a believer that we all are the creation of God and as such, we are a complete and perfect expression of the Universe. It’s through God that we were created perfectly, with nothing to add. This means that we have been born with everything necessary before coming into this existence.

You brought everything with you to fulfill your destiny; that is how God planned it even during times when our life looks less than perfect. Perfection is who we are, not what we do, not what we buy, nor the car we drive. It’s the here and now.

Your Spiritual Assignment

This week, take the time in your meditative thought to contemplate about who are you. Cultivate your meditation time and connect with your higher self. Take the time as well to journal about what you find.

Have a blessed week,

Skip Jennings

Skip’s Weekend Affirmation – The Practice

Ending the week with an affirmation is a great way to usher the weekend. They are especially powerful when they hold some type of truth or resonance for you. So find a quiet place to steel away your moment to breath and find that resonance: This week, we’ll take a look at an affirmation that reflects our meditation theme this week:

The Practice

Just for this moment…just for this breath, I return to source and live the greatest life possible. And so it is. Amen

Have a terrific weekend,

– Skip

This Week’s Meditative Thought – The Practice

The Practice

This week, I’ll begin by asking you what’s your spiritual practice?

Is it meditation, prayer, study, Yoga, or service? What helps you to grow? This is a rich and deep question to ponder. But a more important question should be, why do we practice? We do the work to wake up, and to stay awake. Our life comes from our spiritual practice. Everything that we do comes from this center, this purpose, this Source that I like to call God. When we choose to return to this Source during the time of the practice, our life becomes bigger than we could ever imagine. It doesn’t matter what the practice is; all roads lead to the same place.

Your Spirit Assignment

This week, find your spiritual practice. Take the time to explore the avenues and the options of spiritual work/play that will bring you closer to the realization that you and the God are one. Your choices are meditation, sacred study, prayer, service, and/or generosity. You are not limited to just one, but you must get moving; do something that will anchor your soul and return your awareness to the sacred place of your soul.

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