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The Shift With Skip Radio Guest – Cassandra Dunn

Cassandra Dunn AuthorWe have a great show in store this week with literary powerhouse, Cassandra Dunn joining me on The Shift With Skip Radio Show. 

Join us as we’ll be touching on powerfulThe Art of Adapting topics like empty-nesting, single parenting, mental health, eating disorders, and teenage growth from Ms. Dunn’s new book, “The Art Of Adapting” Ms. Dunn received her MFA in creative writing from Mills College and was a semifinalist for the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award and a finalist in Glimmer Train’s Short Story Award for New Writers. Her stories have appeared in All Things Girl, Midwest Literary Magazine’s Bearing North, Read Short Fiction, Literary House Review, The MacGuffin, 322 Review, Fix it Broken, Clapboard House, Every Writer’s Resource, Rougarou Fiction, and Sand Canyon Review. Cassandra Dunn resides in the San Francisco Bay Area with her two children and a beautiful Vizsla.


Tune into the show here The Shift With Skip Radio Shows are broadcasts live at 10AM every Wednesday’s,  Check my events page for the latest upcoming guests or to listen to past shows. 

Vegan Recipes – Breakfast Quinoa

Skip Jennings & Gwen Keannelly

Skip Jennings & Gwen Keannelly

Today’s Vegan recipe, Breakfast Quinoa and accompanying maple vine vinaigrette, is from my upcoming book, The Lotus Kitchen with Gwen Kenneally. It’s fun way to use quinoa in the morning. Plus Look for more recipe from my upcoming cookbook in the coming weeks.

I recommend that you make the vinaigrette first, then the quinoa.

Breakfast Quinoa

2 cups quinoa
3 cups vegetable stock
1 cup onions, chopped
1 cup red bell pepper, chopped
1 cup candied ginger, chopped
2 cups dried fruit, chopped (an assortment of apricots, cranberries, cherries and blueberries works nicely)
1 cup sliced almonds
Mint for garnish

Bring quinoa and vegetable broth to a hard rolling boil. Remove from heat and
cover, fluffing with a fork every ten minutes until all of the liquid is absorbed and it has cooled down. 

Mix together remaining ingredients and toss with maple syrup balsamic dressing (below).  Garnish with mint. Serves 6-8

Maple Balsamic Vinaigrette

2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
2 tablespoons Dijon Mustard
1 tablespoon maple syrup
6 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
1 cup olive oil
Fresh ground pepper

Whisk all ingredients together and let stand for one hour.

The Practice:  Breakfast is exactly as it sounds, we ‘break the fast’ from not eating while we sleep.  Yoga is the invitation for us to fast from what no longer services so that we may embrace our true nature by becoming the practice.  Like the breakfast, quinoa symbolizes the ending of a period of time and the beginning of a new day, each pose must end so that we may begin one.  Before each pose we return to the breath as a way to release that what is in the past and embrace what is the present.

Breathing Meditation Instruction: Sit in a comfortable position. Relax and place the hands lightly on the knees. Close your eyes and begin to breathe. Be mindful of when you inhale and when you exhale. Begin to count each breath. As you breathe create a mantra that incorporates your intention. “I breathe this breath for the preparation of this meal. I am aware of the Universe. This food and breath are one.”


Cool Facts – Five Health Benefits of Standing Desks

Standing-up-tipsA great article from Smithsonian on the benefit of standing desks.  Many of us today are having to work very long days, and most of the time it’s sitting at our desks.

When we are at work sitting down, our energy levels can drop like crazy.  A good rule of thumb is getting up and moving every twenty to 30 minutes or so. Try and get up from your desk and stretch, or do a few walks back and forth to the water cooler. Make yourself aware of the lack of movement you’re doing and how you could change your sedentary habit. 

Standing desks help out amazingly and can range in pricing from cinder blocks or wood blocks, from your local hardware store or the pricey versions, but totally worth it. Trust me, you will feel so much better. 

To do you one better, they have desks that are built in with treadmills underneath them which is a nice way to get even more calories burning, but of course this is a step up worth the challenge if you’re game. 

Check out the article here.

Monday Meditative Thought – God Expressing Within

For this week, we’ll key into our connection to the high vibration that fuels every essence of our lives.  Know that this power flows within you and is divine and full of grace.  Understand that Love is the answer to all things and that it empowers us we to do what we need it to do.

Today’s Action Plan:  Today, remember that you are God’s love expressing itself uniquely as you.  Every moment you can remind yourself that you are expressing the love of God.

Body Connection – You Are The Light…

Skip Jennings RelaxingWe started off the week with meditating and reminding ourselves that you are a gift to this planet and you have said yes to a mission that only you can do. Remember, when you exercise the body hosts our mindfulness and acts as a shelter, haven, temple, that radiates your presence.  This radiance or aura shines a brightness that everyone can see.  Have you ever run into someone after a great workout and their response been something like, “You look amazing!” or “You’re glowing!”?  It’s more than just sweat, that’s your light of God shining through and as you, activated be your physical practice.  When you get your blood moving and elevate your heart rate, there is a natural radiance of health and fitness that cannot be denied.  

Your Action Plan: Get your eternal glow pumping by participating in your physical practice or if you are just beginning see about taking the stairs instead of the elevator or doing a 15 minute walk instead of 10.  

Peace and Blessings,



Vegan Pre-Workout Prep

Vegan Pro DrinkThe team here at has been sampling a variety of pre-workout drinks. To be honest, some of them were better suited for places we’ll not share. Well, this past week we sampled  #VegaSport Pre-Workout Energizer and my goodness it tastes so much better than any other brand we’ve tried so far. It tastes great and gave us hope that there are good pre-workout drinks that are good for you AND taste delicious. Vega Sport doesn’t use any harsh additives only mother good natural ingredients that make you feel ready for your workout.

Vega Sport Pre-Workout Energizer comes in individual packaging that’s measured out just right so you can rip off the top and add it to your water bottle in seconds flat. No need to measure out. It’s convenient and really does give you the energy you need without a crash. Natural supplements like this won’t make you feel sick, you feel great. Learn more about VegaSport here

– The Skip Jennings Team

Monday Meditative Thought – You Are The Light…

Start this wonderful week of September by getting into the proper meditative thought. Begin by reminding ourselves that you are a gift to this planet and you have said yes to a mission that only you can do.  The Universe supports your vision, so step out and boldly approach your destiny.  Bring God’s light through your gifts and talents. Let your light shine.

Today’s Action Plan:  Remember that all day this week that you are the light of God and that you are meant to let that light shine.   Take a breath, be still, and contemplate what it means to shine your light as God.  Morning, noon, and night take five to ten minutes to meditate and cultivate the light that is you.

Vegan Recipes – Vegan Paleo Cookie

Celebrate this weekend with a cookie recipe from my upcoming cookbook, The Lotus Kitchen with Gwen Kenneally.

Skip Jennings & Gwen Keannelly

Skip Jennings & Gwen Keannelly

The Lotus Kitchen, combines delicious and easy to make vegetarian cooking entwined with yoga. This book intends to offer more than a gingerly curated collection of healthy and boldly flavored recipes; it’s a beacon that shines light toward an awakened way of life. A journey that encourages you to explore an engaged and meaningful pathway to empowerment through yoga and enhance your existing practice with thoughtful food preparation and mindful eating. 

Vegan Paleo Cookie
4 cups almond meal
½ teaspoon sea salt
½ teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon cinnamon
¾ cup coconut oil, melted
½ cup maple syrup
1 tablespoon vanilla
1 cup chopped dark chocolate or 1 cup dried cranberries
½ cup candied ginger
Preheat the oven to 350. Mix the almond meal, salt, baking soda, and cinnamon. Stir in the coconut oil, maple syrup, and vanilla. Stir in the chopped chocolate (or cranberry) and ginger. Drop by rounded tablespoon onto ungreased baking sheets. For a variation, sprinkle a little sea salt before baking. Bake for 10-12 minutes on parchment paper-lined cookie sheet until the edges are golden. Let them rest on the pan for 5-10 minutes to firm up before removing. Makes 3 dozen.
The practice:
Each yoga class ends with the practice of Namaste. The Lotus Kitchen Namaste is performed by placing your hands on your third eye and allowing your hands to drift to Anjali Mudra in front of the heart chakra. Close the eyes and bow down to show deep respect for self, others and our practice. 

Friday Affirmation – Release and Let Go

This past week we focused on a lyric from one of my favorite Rickie Byars and Rev Michael Beckwith songs, “I Release and I Let Go”. Today we’ll focus on affirming the power of releasing. So begin by finding a space and affirm that just for this moment…just for this breath, begin releasing everything that blocks you from loving yourself. Focus and repeat that you are worthy of true love, because love is what you are. You are a strong pillar of Joy, rooted in a foundation of Grace.  And so it is.  Amen

Your Spiritual Assignment this weekend: Work to actively release and turn everything over to God.  When you find yourself wanting to control a situation, consciously give it to your higher self.


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