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Friday Affirmation -Today is the Only Day

Skip Jennings- Affirmation

Friday Series of Affirmation with Skip Jennings

It’s the weekend so when you begin to worry, release and let go, realize it is the future you are living in.  Stay in the today.  Allow God to do its work.

So for our affirmation breath and release you past and live in the “Power of Now.” Activate the God energy within your soul, expanding to a new awareness of yourself. Commune and empower yourself with the infinite power of the Universe. Break free from your shackles, and  fly to new heights. And so it is.

Peace and blessings,


Monday’s Meditation: Today is the Only Day

Monday Meditative Thought – Today is the Only Day

© M B / Attribution-ShareAlikeWhy do we worry about the future? Why do we worry about having enough tomorrow? If we can remember that the Universe is our source in this moment, we begin to activate true power. God only works in the now; the universe is the present.  We only have this breath that we are breathing right now. We cannot operate in the future or the past.  We do not have moments outside of the now.    The power is in the present.  That’s why they call life a “gift.”  Experience life right now.  Do not wait; tomorrow never comes and yesterday is always gone.



The Shift With Skip Radio Guest – Kathleen Jamie

Kathleen JamieI am very excited to have one of the UK’s foremost poets, and award-winning author Kathleen Jamie on my show! 

Her latest book Sightlines offers a landmark work about the natural world and our relationship to it. Jamie explores her native Scottish surroundings, intermingling personal history with observations of the landscape. Her constellation of interests include the natural world. archaeology, medical humanities, and art. To produce the wide range of work she’s walked and sailed many miles, and benefitted from the company and expertise of visual artists, pathologists, curators, ornithologists, and from encounters with other species too, especially birds and whales.

Please join me for this very special show. 


The Shift Radio show is carried live Wednesday mornings at 9am Pacific via BlogTalkRadio and available as a podcast.

Click Here to listen to this week’s and all past shows.

Affirmation Friday – Gratitude is the Attitude!

_DSC0511This week marks a special week as I celebrated my 50th Birthday. At first I was going to go low-key until my momma called late last week and convinced me otherwise. In her wisdom she said it’s a big one, go have fun. Wise words. And so, here I am….celebrating life. I want to give out a very, very, big shout out to all of you who have sent their best wishes, love, kind words and celebrations with cake. You all are the reason I do what I do and I am truly blessed for the support you have bestowed upon me through and through. I’m looking forward to a terrific next-halve of my life adventure. Whose’s coming with me boo?

– Skip

$30 Discount Ends Today for IDEA World Fitness Convention

IDEA_world_2014Attention all fitness pros and more my $30 special savings coupon code PIPCA14+Jennings for IDEA World Fitness ends tonight. This year’s convention is gearing up to be the best yet. Don’t miss it! Plus save $30 OFF on your 1-day or full registration price. Hurry! register before the price increase midnight tonight!.

Conference dates are August 13-17 in Anaheim, CA. Register now and Lock-in the Lowest Rates. 

The Shift With Skip Radio Guest – Terri Daniels

guest-terri-danielJoin me as we invite Terri Daniel’s on the air. Terri is the founder of The Afterlife Conference where authors, spiritual leaders and gurus from all over the world gather to talk about the spiritual realm that is the afterlife.  Her new book, Turning the Corner on Grief Street is her second in her series exploring death as part of our sacred journey in spiritual growth that elevates our perspectives and expand us rather than paralyze us.  


The Shift Radio show is carried live at 9am Pacific via BlogTalkRadio and available as a podcast. Click here to listen for this week’s and all past shows.


Monday Meditation- Deepak Chopra’s Law of Giving and Receiving

Blads of grass by Sarah Klockars-ClauseHappy Birthday…

In celebrating a milestone birthday, I am 50 years young today, I wanted to share this word of wisdom for this week’s Monday Meditation. Deepak Chopra’s three laws of giving.

Peace and blessings,


1. Wherever I go, and whomever I encounter, I will bring them a gift. The gift may be a compliment, a flower, or a prayer. Today, I will give something to everyone I come into contact with, and so I will begin the process of circulating joy, wealth and affluence in my life and in the lives of others.

2. Today I will gratefully receive all the gifts that life has to offer me. I will receive the gifts of nature: sunlight and the sound of birds singing, or spring showers or the first snow of winter. I will also be open to receiving from others, whether it be in the form of a material gift, money, a compliment or a prayer.

3. I will make a commitment to keep wealth circulating in my life by giving and receiving life’s most precious gifts: the gifts of caring, affection, appreciation and love. Each time I meet someone, I will silently wish them happiness, joy and laughter.

Meatless Monday-Mushroom Pancakes


This meatless Monday creation comes from a friend of mine in the UK, thus the addition of grams and ml in the recipe. Not to worry, it’s in cups and ounces for you all  Our team likes these savory mushroom pancake creation with their favorite glass of white wine. Let me know what you think, better yet, send us your photo.



1/2 cup (140g) white self-raising flour
1 tsp soya flour
1 3/4 cup (400ml) soya milk
vegetable oil, for frying
For the topping
2 tbsp vegetable oil
9 oz (250g) button mushrooms
9 oz or (250g) cherry tomatoes, halved
2 tbsp soya cream or soya milk
large handful pine nuts
snipped chives, to serve

How to Prepare:

  1. Sift the flours and a pinch of salt into a blender. Add the soya milk and blend to make a smooth batter.
  2. Heat a little oil in a medium non-stick frying pan until very hot. Pour about 3 tbsp of the batter into the pan and cook over a medium heat until bubbles appear on the surface of the pancake. Flip the pancake over with a palette knife and cook the other side until golden brown. Repeat with the remaining batter, keeping the cooked pancakes warm as you go. You will make about 8.
  3. For the topping, heat the oil in a frying pan. Cook the mushrooms until tender, add the tomatoes and cook for a couple of mins. Pour in the soya cream or milk and pine nuts, then gently cook until combined. Divide the pancakes between 2 plates, then spoon over the tomatoes and mushrooms. Scatter with chives.

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