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The Shift With Skip Radio – Guest Marianne Williamson

The Shift With Skip Jennings

The Shift With Skip Jennings

This week a rebroadcast of our interview with Marianne Williamson author of, “Return to Love, The Gift of Change, Woman’s Worth “and the latest novel, “A Year Of Miracles”. Marianne is one of the world’s leading transformational voices that has altered the way that we see the world and ourselves. Join us as she shares about her latest novel and more…  Listen Here  Please note, since it is a replay, we will not be taking calls for this show. Thank You

21 Day Meditation Experience – Day 7

Day 7 – Finding Consciousness

Congratulations! Today, we complete the first week of our journey together. In these few days, we have connected to the core energies of who we really are. As we align with these natural energy currents we open to a life flowing with peace, joy, and fulfillment. By tapping in, one-by-one, we have learned how to directly access our natural state of security, happiness, strength, passion, creativity, and wisdom. These qualities are always present—what you are experiencing this week is the power of your authentic self.

Today we explore our true self as light. Light is around us and within us—it is our guide on the path toward self-realization. Light is what triggers us to wake every morning, allowing us to see . . . dissipating the darkness and shadows. As we open to the light within, we connect to the divine light that illuminates our soul, awakening us to our real Self, and the light that connects all things. We find that we are one light connected to all light, universal connection, and consciousness. As this energy is awakened, there is no more searching or striving. Experiencing yourself as infinite consciousness is the state of enlightenment. – Oprah Winfrey and Deepak Chopra

Today’s Quote

“Once the soul awakens, the search begins and you can never go back.” ―John O’Donohue

Relief After Hard Workouts

Sombra Natural Warming GelThe other day someone asked me if I’m a believer of rubbing creams and gels after a workout. I said Yes! After a full day filled with tough classes I reach for Sombra Warm Therapy Natural Relieving. It is my “Go To” gel to soothe those aches and pains after a hard day teaching multiple classes. It’s also a great natural alternative to vapo-rubs and chemical-laden pain creams & gels that fill the aisles at your local drug store. I’m not a sponsor nor do I profit from sharing about Sombra. It works and that’s the truth Ruth 🙂

Massage Warehouse


Personal Training Services

Personal Trainer

Stretch Park

Why wait? A Summer’s body begins now. I have a room for a couple of openings. As a personal trainer and fitness coach I can help you transform your body temple. My expertise in personal training, spiritual counseling and motivational speaking gives new thought to the meaning of personal growth. For over twenty-five years I have worked with every body type and personality from clients to trainers all over the world. Whether you’re a personal trainer looking to expand your fitness skills and enhancing your holistic healing knowledge, or an individual seeking a multi-faceted full body metamorphosis, I can help. Please contact me for a free consultation:

Monday Meditative Thought – Your Vision Will Pull You

Monday Meditative Thought: We must be willing to catch the vision for our life. When we conceive what we know is our divine calling, this vision will pull you to a higher level of existence. It will be the thing that takes hold of you and doesn’t let go. A vision inspires you to reach higher and to be more. When searching for this higher meaning to our life, we must be willing to go within. We must spend time with the source from which this vision is created. Allow your vision to elevate your existence.

Happy New You and One of Ten Golden Rules for Transformation


The New Year has come! What I say to that, is happy new you. Welcome to the new school of thought from 2014 boo! This is the time I want all of you to think about what are the things that you would like in your life. It can be anything you want, from a new job to a new way of life, whatever your heart desires. You can have it, and you deserve it. I mean it! It all starts with you.

To kick off the New Year in 2014, I have a new book coming out that I would love to share with you all here. The book is called Total Transformation and in this book I go into great detail about my ten principles of transformation and how they can be applied to our everyday lives. I use these principles with my clients and ultimately within my own life. The book will be released sometime this spring and I wanted to share a little preview with you for the next ten weeks.

In each chapter of the book, I give growth work exercises. Feel free to write these down and begin your transformational journey with me each week and pick up the book as well for more growth work and tips. 

Check out the excerpt below:



What is the meaning of success?

            Let’s talk about success. I always say that you have to ask the big questions. Let’s make sure we are thinking big. I want you to think big and remove any limitations.

The big question is: What are your goals, desires and intentions for your life?

Will these things change? Yes. And as we grow, our desires, goals and intentions will expand and change. This comes from any of the trio: your mind, body or spirit. The thought can be anything from finding a new job, to finding a new love.

Growth work: If you could do anything in the world, what would it be?

Happy New You and One of Ten Golden Rules for Transformation



The New Year has come! What I say to that, is happy new you. Welcome to the new school of thought from 2014 boo! This is the time I want all of you to think about what are the things that you would like in your life. It can be anything you want, from a new job to a new way of life, whatever your heart desires. You can have it, and you deserve it. I mean it! It all starts with you.

To kick off the New Year in 2014, I have a new book coming out that I would love to share with you all here. The book is called Total Transformation and in this book I go into great detail about my ten principles of transformation and how they can be applied to our everyday lives. I use these principles with my clients and ultimately within my own life. The book will be released sometime this spring and I wanted to share a little preview with you for the next ten weeks.

In each chapter of the book, I give growth work exercises. Feel free to write these down and begin your transformational journey with me each week and pick up the book as well for more growth work and tips. 

Check out the excerpt below:



What is the meaning of success?

            Let’s talk about success. I always say that you have to ask the big questions. Let’s make sure we are thinking big. I want you to think big and remove any limitations.

The big question is: What are your goals, desires and intentions for your life?

            Will these things change? Yes. And as we grow, our desires, goals and intentions will expand and change. This comes from any of the trio: your mind, body or spirit. The thought can be anything from finding a new job, to finding a new love.

Growth work: If you could do anything in the world, what would it be?

The Power of Giving Back


Well need to give back, it doesn’t matter how we do it as long as we find ways to incorporate the action into our lives. When we give back, we are creating an energetic force that wraps itself around us and flows from one person to the next.

When we give back, five things will happen:

  1. You will realize you’re not alone
  2. You will be giving back to yourself, because we are part of the collective.
  3. We empower others to give back; it’s like a domino affect.
  4. You increase your vibration of goodness around your own personal feeling.
  5. When you give back, you up level your ability to receive blessings.

image003On The Shift Radio this week, we had a wonderful guest who harnesses her creative ability to give those who are suffering form breast cancer a voice. Liliana Komorowska recently directed the documentary entitled, Beauty & The Breast that follows nine women throughout their experience with breast cancer. The movie connected so many underlying themes, addressed many different important issues and raised awareness of breast cancer throughout an array of communities.

The movie did a phenomenal job of connecting with multicultural women and let them know that they are not alone. We learned that there can be laughter and peace in a time of struggle and hardship all the while learning not to be afraid and take the plunge to be happy—there was even some skydiving in there. But skydiving was a little too much for me. Like my friend Rob Gallo said, “why would you jump out of a perfectly good airplane?”

The film brought breast cancer awareness not only to women but to men as well, because we know that both men and women can be affected by breast cancer. Men are contracting this disease and it affects many people around the world and we should all know about it.


559767_10201016758323975_1942061644_nCycle for Survival’s team Pasadena is coming at you again this year strong in the fight against rare cancers. I loved participating in this event last year, coming together with hundreds of thousands of people across the U.S. to help support cancer research.




cycle-for-survival-logoThis event brings the community together, helping to change the world by helping fund cancer research of all kinds allowing people who cannot afford the treatments gain access to clinical trials, top-notch treatments and more. If you or anyone you know has ever suffered from cancer, here’s your chance to support the team race against the big C. Click here to donate.

The Power of Giving Back

givingbackWell need to give back, it doesn’t matter how we do it as long as we find ways to incorporate the action into our lives. When we give back, we are creating an energetic force that wraps itself around us and flows from one person to the next.

When we give back, five things will happen:

  1. You will realize you’re not alone
  2. You will be giving back to yourself, because we are part of the collective.
  3. We empower others to give back; it’s like a domino affect.
  4. You increase your vibration of goodness around your own personal feeling.
  5. When you give back, you up level your ability to receive blessings.


On The Shift Radio this week, we had a wonderful guest who harnesses her creative ability to give those who are suffering form breast cancer a voice. Liliana Komorowska recently directed the documentary entitled, Beauty & The Breast that follows nine women throughout their experience with breast cancer. The movie connected so many underlying themes, addressed many different important issues and raised awareness of breast cancer throughout an array of communities.

The movie did a phenomenal job of connecting with multicultural women and let them know that they are not alone. We learned that there can be laughter and peace in a time of struggle and hardship all the while learning not to be afraid and take the plunge to be happy—there was even some skydiving in there. But skydiving was a little too much for me. Like my friend Rob Gallo said, “why would you jump out of a perfectly good airplane?”

The film brought breast cancer awareness not only to women but to men as well, because we know that both men and women can be affected by breast cancer. Men are contracting this disease and it affects many people around the world and we should all know about it.

IMG_0275Cycle for Survival’s team Pasadena is coming at you again this year strong in the fight against rare cancers. I loved participating in this event last year, coming together with hundreds of thousands of people across the U.S. to help support cancer research.

cycle for survivalThis event brings the community together, helping to change the world by helping fund cancer research of all kinds allowing people who cannot afford the treatments gain access to clinical trials, top-notch treatments and more. If you or anyone you know has ever suffered from cancer, here’s your chance to support the team race against the big C. Click here to donate.

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