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Workout with me for 30-days Free!

On the road or live too far away from my home gym in Pasadena?  No worries, I got together with the online team of  SpiroFit ( and created three fantastic programs to allow my friends and followers endless opportunities to workout with me regularly, with a ton of different Free for 30-days.  Then if you like it only $4.95 per month (unlimited viewing!)

Strengthen Your Mind, Body, and Spirit With My Fitness Systems

I’ve developed three AMAZING systems below that can be done anytime at your place from anywhere. All challenge your muscles in different ways to keep your body fresh and energized. Each system is designed to help you slim your waist line and gain core strength in less time.

Cardio Zen (Intermediate and advance)

Cardio Zen is an interval class incorporating H.I.I.T. (High Intensity Interval Training) and Yoga. Your balance will be challenged experiencing a complete holistic experience.

Yoga with Skip (All levels)

For alignment, balance, strength, power, flexibility, detoxifying organs, calming the mind and connecting to the inner self.

Meditations (All levels)

Discover who you truly are! Recognizing the true inner spirit is very difficult. It is because of self limitations that restrictions are felt at all: limited beliefs, view points, and goals all contribute to the constraints felt on a daily basis.

Get Your First 30 Days FREE!
Workout with me. Click Here to get started.

This Week’s Meditative Thought –Transformational Commitment

Transformation requires commitment. For next month, I’ll focus our meditative thoughts committed to the practice of loving. Commit to blessing everyone you see. Commit to activating Joy within your life. Commit to something greater than yourself.

This Week’s Spiritual Assignment:

All this week commitment is the key. Journal about your level of commitment; what does it look like? What does it mean to you? How far are you willing to commit? Be honest and free yourself from false ideas and expectations. Your commitment must be honest. “Let your yes be yes.”

Skip’s Weekend Affirmation + Bonus Body Connection – With God’s Eyes

I truly believe that a balance between our spiritual and our physical being is essential for living your life to its biggest potential. That’s why this Weekend’s affirmation has a bonus Body Connection.

Body Connection

What do you see when you look in the mirror? Do you see someone who is broken, unhappy, and in need of a shift? That is only the external representation of what you are feeling. When we work from a place of brokenness, it is more challenging to find a place of self-love. The truth is, we work out to know more love within our being.

During your workouts, see yourself the way God sees you. The Universe only knows your divine spirit and perfection. Our only connection to God is the absolute presence and essence of Love. If we wait until we reach our goal to experience that connection, the journey will be long and filled with ups and downs. We can begin our physical transformation with the sight of the divine and see ourselves with eyes of love, kindness, and compassion.

This weekend’s affirmation:

Just for this moment…just for this breath, I remember that I am the divine expression of God and all of its qualities. And so I am. Amen


– Skip

The Lotus Kitchen – Vegan Recipe – Baked Spinach Cakes

Vegan Recipe – Baked Spinach Cakes
These special cakes are from my latest book, The Lotus Kitchen, a collaboration with Gwen Kenneally. They were created for a cooking segment and were a big hit with the crew. They can also be served as an appetizer and are equally delicious the next day. It’s imperative that the spinach is well drained to avoid a runny cake.

16 ounces fresh spinach (1 bag or 1 large bunch), washed well and chopped fine OR

16 ounces frozen spinach, thawed and well squeezed, drained of as much liquid as possible

1 cup part-skim ricotta cheese 1/2 cup finely shredded Parmesan cheese, plus more for garnish

2 large eggs, beaten

3 cloves garlic, minced

1/2 teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg

Salt and freshly ground pepper to taste


Preheat oven to 400ºF. In a medium bowl add spinach, ricotta, Parmesan, eggs, garlic, nutmeg, salt and pepper; stir to combine. Coat a 12-cup standard-size muffin pan with cooking spray. Divide the spinach mixture among the 12 cups; they will be very full and very dense. Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese. Bake the spinach cakes until set, about 30 minutes. Let stand in the pan for 5 minutes. Loosen the edges with a knife and place on a large serving platter. Serve warm or at room temperature with a dollop of sour cream or almond yogurt. Serves 6.

The Practice: The Sat Nam “Truth is my reality” — Sat Nam is a mantra commonly used in Kundalini Yoga and amongst its practitioners. It is frequently repeated three times at the end of a yoga session. But the importance of Sat Nam is the meaning. Sat Nam has been interpreted as: Truth is my identity, truth is my reality, and truth is my authentic self. The mantra is also a recognition that God, goodness, or truth is in all things and heaven is present in this very moment. The practice is to recognize truth in every bite of the baked spinach pie. Goodness and love is the truth of everything. Sat Nam can be used in every pose to remind you of the truth as a way to focus the mind before meditation.

The Lotus Kitchen
East meets zest as Hollywood caterer/food writer Gwen Kenneally (Sweet and Savory Cookbook) and yogi/transformational coach Skip Jennings (The Shift With Skip) present a boldly flavored and inspired recipe collection to nurture yoga practice and nourish mindful eating.

This Week’s Meditative Thought – With God’s Eyes

If you step back and I mean really, really back, the Universe with it’s millions of stars, dust, comets, planets of every size, shape and form makes our human flaws and mishaps appear quite small, I mean, really really small. Yet, they both exist and in fact these flaws and mishaps appear much bigger in our lives. Let that sink in for a second.

It’s amazing how we can grasp the enormity of the Universe, yet still feel love, peace, order, balance, prosperity or the lack of these things. It shows me that within us that there is a bigger spirit that unifies these gifts into the larger context of the Universe.

It also confirms to me that this love, joy, peace, order, balance, prosperity, and abundance are as much God’s essence as the physical attributes that make up the Universe we live in. In fact love permeates much deeper within the Universe than the brightest galaxies or planets.

This Week’s Spiritual Assignment:

This week remember to see yourself within the context of God’s Universe. In everything you do, move with the Love of God shining as bright as a star. You are blessed, so be mindful of the this.

Skip’s Weekend Affirmation – Remembering Freedom

An affirmation is wonderful way to reflect and hit the reset button.
Plus it’s a great way to get the weekend off on the right foot.

This Week’s Affirmation
Just for this moment…just for this breath, I remember that I am the manifestation of God, made human; therefore I am blessed. I release everything that is not in alignment with this truth. Amen



This Week’s Meditative Thought – Remembering Freedom

We dive into choice this week and to remembering freedom that this choice has in our lives. You have the choice to manifest the life you desire, but it begins with releasing the things that are not a part of the Divine vision. Remember, your old experiences are just that: old. Let them go.

This Week’s Spiritual Assignment:

All this week remember that freedom is releasing all the spiritual stuff, junk and gunk that is not serving you any longer. This could mean people, places, jobs, ideas, thoughts, THINGS (that closet full of old clothes) and relationships. Take the time to make a list of everything that is holding you back. And begin to let these things go.


Skip’s Weekend Affirmation + Bonus Body Connection – God Revealing

This Weekend’s affirmation will have a bonus Body Connection. I truly believe that a balance between our spiritual and our physical being is essential for living your life to its biggest potential. Remember, the body-temple is the God in the flesh and deserves to be treated as such. When we choose to exercise, we choose to play in the field of God.

When we begin to activate our internal strength in our physical practice, we allow the Universe to express itself fully. It’s not only the mind and the spirit that requires a practice to grow; the body is in need of work for its edification, too.

God wants to express it self in every way; allow each workout to be an expression of what is going on inside of you. Bottom line, move your body, be it a walk, a climb, yoga, spinning whatever your movement it will power both the spirit and body.

That said, here’s this weekend’s affirmation:

Just for this moment…just for this breath, I remember that I am bathed in God’s love and I am blessed. Amen

Have a wonderful and safe weekend.

– Skip


This Week’s Meditative Thought – God Revealing

This week’s Meditative Thought revolves around Love and in God’s revealing nature. It has been said that love is the answer to all things and we can do anything with this love of the Universe. In Christopher Nolan’s movie Interstellar there’s a beautiful dialogue between Matthew McConaughey’s character; Cooper and Anne Hathaway’s; Brand about Love’s power.

“Love isn’t something that we invented. It’s observable. Powerful. It has to mean something. Maybe it means something more, something we can’t yet understand. Maybe it’s some evidence, some artifact of a higher dimension that we can’t consciously perceive. Love is the one thing that we’re capable of perceiving that transcends dimensions of time and space.” 

I LOVE this scene as it places our connection to this high vibration of Love that fuels every essence of our lives. Know that the power that is within you is divine and full of grace.

This Week’s Spiritual Assignment:

All this week, remember that you are God’s love expressing itself uniquely as you. Every moment you can remind yourself that you are expressing the love of God.

Many blessings and have a terrific week.

Skip Jennings

Skip’s Weekend Affirmation – You Are The Light of God

I pray that this post finds you well and in good spirits. We had a short week and a wonderful weekend is again upon us, which that means it’s time to recharge and for this weekend’s affirmation.  This week’s theme; You Are The Light of God

 Just for this moment…just for this breath, I remember that I am the light of God and I shine brightly everywhere I go. And so I am.

Miss this week’s meditation? Here’s the link;  “You Are The Light Of God“

Peace and Blessings,


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