Category: Friday Affirmations

Skip’s Weekend Affirmation – The Practice

Ending the week with an affirmation is a great way to usher the weekend. They are especially powerful when they hold some type of truth or resonance for you. So find a quiet place to steel away your moment to breath and find that resonance: This week, we’ll take a look at an affirmation that reflects our meditation theme this week:

The Practice

Just for this moment…just for this breath, I return to source and live the greatest life possible. And so it is. Amen

Have a terrific weekend,

– Skip

Skip’s Weekend Affirmation – Embracing The Shift

Embracing The Shift

I’m currently away at a fitness convention in Orlando this weekend and to say that I’m busy at these wonderful events is an understatement, but the energy of my fellow participants is fabulous.  That said I still find time in the hustle and bustle to find a quiet to meditate and take in an affirmation. This week’s affirmation reflects on the meditation of: Embracing The Shift So find your quiet place to steel away your moment to breath and find that resonance:

Just for this moment…just for this breath, I expect only greatness for my Life, embracing the shift. I humble myself as the Universe continues to teach me. I Love, because Love is all there is. Faith, Humility, and Love is the order of the day. And so it is. Amen,

Have a blessed weekend,


Skip’s Weekend Affirmation – Letting Go to Be More

Letting Go to Be More

I love affirmations. They get my weekend going and are great when they hold some type of truth or resonance for you. So find your quiet place to steel away your moment to breath and find that resonance: This week, we’ll take a look int an affirmation that reflects our meditation theme this week of: letting go to be more

Just for this moment…just for this breath, my life is an open canvas, and I allow the colors of Spirit to paint a new masterpiece. I embrace the Divine Creativity that I am; my soul expresses hues of the Universe. I see myself as God sees me: Lovely, Magnificent, and Whole.. I nurture my inner artist with Love and Compassion. And so I let it be.Amen

Have a blessed weekend,

– Skip

Skip’s Weekend Affirmation – Spiritual Awakening

Spiritual Awakening

Ending the week with an affirmation is a great way to usher the weekend. They are especially powerful when they hold some type of truth or resonance for you. So find a quiet place to steel away your moment to breath and find that resonance: This week, we’ll take a look int an affirmation that reflects our meditation theme this week:

Spiritual Awakening

Just for this moment…just for this breath, abundance is my inheritance. I am one with the absolute abundant field of God. My life is full of supply, and I am only subject to the goodness of the Universe. Like the birds in the air and the lilies of the field, I worry not. I am blessed. And so it shall be. Amen

Have a blessed weekend

– Skip

Skip’s Weekend Affirmation – The Gift of Meditation

Skip Meditating Affirmations are a terrific way to end a week and are most effective when they hold some type of truth or resonance for you. So steel away your moment to breath and find that resonance:

Just for this moment…just for this breath, my life is Grace in action. I am a global beacon that elevates all that comes in contact with my light. And so I am. And it is. Amen.

Have a blessed weekend,



Skip’s Weekend Affirmation – What Is Prayer

Affirmations are always an excellent Skip sittingway to end a week and at cleansing your soul. They are most effective when they hold some type of truth or resonance for you. So steel away your moment to breath and find that resonance.

Just for this moment…just for this breath, I am the prayer that is praying me and all is well. Amen

Peace and Blessings,



Friday Body Connection and Affirmation – Remember to Remember

Woman swimming in a poolWhen deciding on a workout or routine, choose workouts that help focus your body connection intentions. If you set the goal to be the best you can be, choose a practice that anchors the intention. The physical should always be in alignment with the mental and spiritual goals. Set the intention to always remember your truth.

Friday Affirmation:  Friday’s are a great day for me as I take a moment to reflect and affirm.

Just for this moment…just for this breath, the qualities of God is my life.  I “remember to remember” my purpose.

Peace and blessings,


Friday Affirmation and Body Connection – Revamping Routines

The beginning of the year is an excellent time to think about revamping routines from your training regime. Keep boredom away and stay fresh by willing to go within and asking yourself what’s missing in your fitness goals?

When we refresh, we renew the way we train our body-temples and infinite possibilities become our truth. There are many pathways to wholeness; be willing to shift directions and grow.

Affirmation:  Find your quiet moment and take a few breathes and as you exhale meditate that you are a new experience in the mind of God.  Your life is a fresh idea that blesses the planet.  Amen.

Friday Affirmation and Body Connection – Setting Intentions

As we mentioned earlier in the week, January is a natural month for setting new intentions in our lives. This also includes setting intentions for the body. To set this intention you must be willing to declare what condition you are looking to achieve. This transformation does not necessarily have to do with weight, but how you view your body temple. Setting intentions and the quest in transformation begins with setting this goal. Remember this truth: an external shift is temporary but an internal transformation is lasting. This year, focus on setting these internal intentions to embrace your desires. Be open to receiving and recognizing your wholeness, divinity, and self-love.

This week’s Affirmation:  Take a moment out of your schedule and begin with 2-3 deep breathes. Breathe in deeply and then slowly release. On the last one, exhale deeply and imagine yourself pushing the restart in your mind to create a new spiritual journey.

Peace and Blessings

– Skip

Christmas Radio Podcast, Meditating On The Light, Vegan Spring Rolls




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