Category: Meditation

This Week’s Meditative Thought – Embracing the Shift

Embracing the Shift

Who hasn’t been through the difficulties that life presents us? New beginnings always require the act of embracing the shift, embracing the change. Sometimes these changes are are voluntary at other times they feel forced.  As we integrate our awareness into God’s spirit, we are challenged to become new and that act activates new insight into our spiritual growth. Live from a perspective of an openness and a willingness to shift and watch your life expand beyond recognition. Say yes to the shift; say yes to your new beginnings; say yes today.

Your Spiritual Assignment:

This week’s assignment, do everything that will embrace your shift. Whenever you find yourself resisting, surrender to it. The ego does not like change and it will do everything it can to stop it. Be willing to release the resistance and fall into the arms of transformation.

Peace and blessings,


This Week’s Meditative Thought – Letting Go to Be More

Letting Go to Be More

This week we’ll dive into the reasons for letting go of what no longer services us and to be more of our true selves. When we hold on to the old ways of living there’s no room for the New. Before rebuild a new spiritual consciousness, we must clear out the clutter of our minds. The action of letting go is a sacred practice that is required on a daily basis.

Transformation is the most challenging journey we face within our lives. Letting go of what we are used to takes courage and determination. We must be willing to self-examine our lives and see what is no longer serving our journey. All this week, identify what is holding you down, let it go, and begin to fly. A new beginning must start with an ending to an old way of life.

This Week’s Spiritual Assignment:

Today, journal about why you continue to do something that is not for your highest good. There is something about this proverbial “ball and chain” that is serving you, but not fulfilling you. Go into a deep contemplation and be willing to hear what is holding you back. This is an honest conversation between you and the Universe.

The Shift Radio Guest-Sheila Gale

The Shift With Skip Radio

Come join Skip Jennings on this inspiring experience of prayer and belief with Sheila Gale. Sheila Gale’s daughter was waging a battle against a prolonged mystery illness-wasting away in the hospital attached to tubes and wires. Miserable to see her daughter endure such suffering, the longtime host of the hugely popular The Sheila Show, reached out to her listener base for a desperate favor in the form of prayers.

Inundated with her prayer responses, she read them to Natasha–all 450 of them–and within 48 hours, her daughter was healed and on her way home!

It was this remarkable experience that inspired, a website to unite people who need prayers with those who are so willing to offer them.

Sheila realized that there are many people in need from all parts of the world and from all different religious and theological backgrounds.  They require a helping prayer from time-to-time. Prayer is the great unifier as all of the spiritual pathways believe in the power of prayer. will offer an extraordinary worldwide network for prayer requests to be answered by concerned spiritual seekers and healers from around the globe!

Listen Skip’s interview with Sheila Gale On-Demand – here

Follow Sheila:

Websites: ,

Twitter @thesheilashow


This Week’s Meditative Thought – Spring Into Action

Skip Jennings SportSpring Into Action

This week’s meditative thought revolves around this new season of renewal that is spring. “Spring into action” is a term I use a lot during this time to set in place practice that empowers transformation and achieve your goals. This should be the time that motivates and inspires you to move toward your goals.

To begin with, embrace a new way of thinking, living, and moving through this world. Stop thinking about a life that WAS and become the life we Desire AND Need.  I know that many of us may be bogged by indecisions and failures that haunt us and that to weigh us down like a ball & chain. I say, stop the nonsense, take today to embrace a great idea, intention, and to make it a goal to create the action. We must become what we desire. Did you know that baseball players that hits the ball 30% of the time are considered great! That means that they miss 66% of the time. So let’s begin tearing-off the shackles and begin swinging. You’ll connect.

This Week’s Spiritual Assignment:

All this week, let’s connect and act as if what you desired is done. Cultivate the attitude that all your poetical prospects are accomplished and prosperous. Take the time to write it down in journal about how it feels to have success in all your goals. Write about it as if it was completed and fulfilled.

Peace and Blessings,

 – Skip


The Lotus Kitchen-Blueberry Mango Salad

Blueberry Mango Salad

  • 4 LIMES

Remove zest from one lime in strips with a vegetable peeler and cut any white pith from strips with a sharp knife. Squeeze juice from limes. Bring zest, water, and agave to a boil in a saucepan. Remove from heat and stir in lime juice.
Let syrup stand 20 minutes, then remove zest with a slotted spoon and discard. Toss together mangoes, blueberries and syrup in a large bowl and sprinkle with ginger. Serves 4.

The Practice: The nectar and sweetness of the fruit in this salad remind us that the practice of yoga is sweet nectar as well. When we finish our daily practice of yoga we are reminded of how sweet life is. Physical practice brings us to a place of surrender and final relaxation called Shavasana, the corpse pose. “Life is Good.” To get to the nectar of yoga, we must work through the practice. The journey, in this experience, is to recognize the preparation of the salad is very much like the practice of yoga. Once the salad is complete, sit and is still; enjoy every bite. “Life is Good.”

Corpse Pose (Savasana) Instruction:

We lay on our backs in full rest experiencing the pleasures of the breath and moment. It is also the final meditation of the practice where we remember that life is really really good.

This Week’s Meditative Thought – The Grace of Meditation

The Grace of Meditation

This week’s meditative thought is one of the Grace of Meditation. Meditation allows us to see one of God’s greatest gift we have, Grace.  I like to say that meditating is like getting a front row seat and seeing God’s Grace in action.

Unfortunately, this gets fuzzy as the time for meditating competes with the lifestyles of our modernity. The Facebook posts, the commitments we schedule,  even the lawn that needs cutting…. All of these “distractions” distance us from this Grace. Thus the importance of practicing meditation. For the more we practice and immerse in meditating the more we see the gifts of Grace. So take a moment to make it about you and meditate. The terrific thing is you don’t need a special room. Do it right there at your desk, on the treadmill, on that coffee break and yes even while you cut that lawn.

This Week’s Spiritual Assignment

All this week, after your meditation, ask the Universe to reveal itself and help you recognize the Grace that is your life. Take the time to journal your experiences.

Have a blessed week,


This Week’s Meditative Thought – What Is Fellowship?

What is Fellowship?

skip-200x200Many associate the word fellowship as a church social function between people over a meal. The Greek’s used the word koinonia, which Theologian Henry Thayer defines as -“fellowship, association, community, communion, and joint participation” (Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, p. 352). It describes the state of “association” or “joint participation.

Fellowship is a relationship that goes far beyond the church halls or the causal “How are you doing?”. It’s a deeper connection and intimacy with God that that requires time; being present, and which requires a willingness to want to know someone or something. When we make a commitment to fellowship, we are willing to put in the attention it requires.

Your Spiritual Assignment

Today, journal and ask yourself, “Are there areas where I can have fellowship?” “Is there something holding me back from fellowship?”  No pressure, take time to journal what comes up and release the fear and be willing to step into intimacy within.

Have a blessed week,


This Week’s Meditative Thought – What Is Prayer

photo-1414073875831-b47709631146What is Prayer

Prayer practice is a consistent activity that helps us to builds a strong spiritual awareness and helps us expand our faith creating a connection with God. Our greatest gift is the ability to connect with our higher self where true power truly is. Our worship and communion to the Universal Presence remind us that we are alive and living with a purpose. Prayer is the invocation or invitation to spend time with Love, Joy, Bliss, and Divine Happiness. When we feel our life is out of balance, try prayer..

Your Spiritual Assignment:

This week begin your prayer practice. Set the intention daily to connect and don’t make a move until you have asked your higher self the question “Is this for my betterment?”

Have a blessed week,



This Week’s Meditative Thought–Embracing The Practice

embracing_the_newEmbracing The Practice

This week we dive into the practice of expanding our consciousness and awareness of God.  This “practice” allows us to stay true and connected toward our higher self in God. Unfortunately, we sometimes get off track in focusing our love toward money, power, drugs, prestige, or anything outside of ourselves to make us happy.

By dwelling in the practice of prayer, meditation, sacred study & service, fellowship, affirmations, and generosity we can reconnects us with our “Higher Self.” When we are willing to take on a practice to transform our lives, the Universe will show up to support us. We are not alone on this journey to enlightenment.

Your Spiritual Assignment

For the next week commit to doing something for your soul. Read an inspirational book, meditate for five minutes, begin to pray whatever it is, today is a great day to start.

Have a blessed week,


This Week’s Meditative Thought–Yoga To Love

Yoga To Love

Yoga-sittingThis week we’ll contemplate and cultivate our “oneness consciousness” and how we are connected to our higher self, which is Love.  In yoga, our primary focus is to deepen our awareness to the Universal presence of God. Because God is love, a yogi’s journey is the journey to Love.  Once known, we are connected in God, and become aware of our connection to each other.  These connections runs deep within every cell of our existence that is always active and waiting to be recognized in each other.  When we take the time to meditate and to be aware of our spiritual connection to one another, we participate in the sacred practice of fellowship.

This Week’s Spiritual Assignment:

Today, journal about the God connection you find in other people.  Make a list of the divine attributes you recognize in the people you meet.  List the divine characteristics you want others to see in you.  Remember there is but one God that lives in all of us.

Have a blessed week,

– Skip

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