Category: Meditation

Friday Affirmation and Body Connection – Know Better

For today’s affirmation you’ll meditate and affirm that you are the master of your destiny and filled with infinite possibilities. Find a spot and take a second and let yourself breathe. And so you are, and so let it be. Amen

Today’s Body Connection: As the season continues to cool we must begin to see that our own transformation begins with awareness. It could be the first moment of the crisp Fall morning when we put on our shirt and notice that it doesn’t fit or those pair of jeans are just a smidgen too tight and we tell ourselves that the “dryer monster” purposely shrunk our clothes. The honest truth is that we know better. It’s time to get moving and stop making excuses. It’s time to “put downs and push a ways.” Put down the smartphone and push away from the table. Today is your day to transform your life and it begins with a walk, a jog, hitting the mat, to move and the start of a new the awakening.

Peace and Blessings,

– Skip


Friday Affirmation and Body Connection – Be Still and Know

We started our week with meditation focusing around the theme of Being Still and Knowing God’s voice.  For this week’s Affirmation find a place, settle your mind and just for this moment…just for this breath, remember to be still and know that God is everything. And so it is. Amen

For Today’s Body Connection: Remember, yoga is our invitation to slow down and be present. The asana position, also known as the stillness, requires us to stop and connect with the body and/or something greater. During yoga practice, it is the stillness that invites us to know our divine self. The physical practice of yoga is a metaphorical battle with the big self and the ego. Our soul’s desire is to know serenity and peace, to release the chaotic activity of the mental mind. The Bhagavad Gita, sacred scriptures for the yoga practice, say, “When thy mind, that may be wavering in the contradictions of many scriptures, shall rest unshaken in divine contemplation, then the goal of Yoga is thine.” In other words, if we can allow our thoughts to fall into God, we will know our connection to our higher self.

Have a blessed weekend.


Monday Meditative Thought – Be Still and Know

As we begin a new week, we’ll start our meditation by focusing around the theme of Being Still and Knowing God’s voice.  So let’s begin by taking a deep breath and by being still and know that God wants to have a private encounter with you on a daily basis. Know that it is by the practice of meditation that He helps you to embrace your greatness.  When we choose the path of stillness we will know the power that sustains us.

This week’s Meditative Action Plan:  All this week meditate to be still and know that God is God.  It is through the stillness that brings a deeper awareness of our unity with the Holy Spirit.  Take the time to sit in the secret garden of your consciousness.

Wednesday Spiritual Journal Assignment – Summer of 2014

© M B / Attribution-ShareAlikeSummer is still blazing, but we’re nearing the end which means we bring into mind our plans for the fall. We think about all the wonderful times that we’ve had with family and friends, the goals we met, new relationships we’ve created and what is to come. Each season comes and goes with grace, elegance and poise–as we should.

Summer blossoms and brings with it the tastes of new beginnings, with its closing we nurture those beginnings and tend to them all year long. I invite you to journal with me and remember all those wonderful things that you had the chance to experience and with whom. Take a moment to think of all that you are grateful for this summer. Think of all that you have accomplished. Now, live in that present moment of gratitude and joy. Remember what this feels like, being surrounded by joy–here you’ll find peace. 

– Skip

Share your gratitude journal tips with me on Twitter @SkipJennings

Monday Meditative Thought – Embracing Study

Welcome back, I hope that you enjoyed your weekend. For today’s Meditative thought I would like to focus on practice. It’s a fact that the more we practice, the better we become. That said, the more we spend in the practice of sacred study it expands our spiritual consciousness.  It is like a bank account; it is accumulative.  When there is an embrace of spiritual academia, there is always a growth that takes place.  Each word, each sentence, each phase activates your personal intention to know more.  When we study, there is an activation of divine knowledge within our souls that has always been there; we are now simply turning it on.

We must fully surrender to the call of our spirit; it wants to know more God.  Sacred study feeds the hunger.  When we find ourselves in a class or a spiritual community, feeding our spiritual souls, we become a beacon for goodness.  We begin to radiate this knowledge that we are taking in.  We illuminate the darkness as our consciousness grows.

Friday Affirmation -Today is the Only Day

Skip Jennings- Affirmation

Friday Series of Affirmation with Skip Jennings

It’s the weekend so when you begin to worry, release and let go, realize it is the future you are living in.  Stay in the today.  Allow God to do its work.

So for our affirmation breath and release you past and live in the “Power of Now.” Activate the God energy within your soul, expanding to a new awareness of yourself. Commune and empower yourself with the infinite power of the Universe. Break free from your shackles, and  fly to new heights. And so it is.

Peace and blessings,


Monday’s Meditation: Today is the Only Day

Friday Affirmation – Remembering Memorial Day

We end this week with the beginning of Memorial Day Weekend. For many it’s the official start of summer with the pools, trips, bbq’s and fun.  Memorial Day was once called Decoration Day for the placing of flowers on fallen soldier’s grave after the Civil War. The practice of decorating soldiers’ graves with flowers is an ancient custom. Many towns throughout the country still celebrate it like this. Traditionally celebrated on May 30th, Memorial Day officially moved to the 4th Monday in May in 1967.

I would like to wish you all a terrific Memorial Day and start of summer, please drive safely where ever your journey takes you to family or friends. I also ask you as your Friday affirmation to send a prayer to those Veterans who have lost there lives in the service to our country.

Peace and Blessings,


Monday Meditative Thought – Something New To Learn

Monday’s Meditative Thought:

As we start our week, I would like to focus on one of the definitions of humility which is to be teachable. When we remain humble, the Universe will teach us everything we need to know. In every situation we can expand our consciousness and awaken divine knowledge that is within us.  As a spiritual counselor, it is fulfilling to help someone activate personal growth. But the truth is we all have our own guides within ourselves.   Your greatest teacher is you. When we do the spiritual work of meditation, prayer, study, fellowship, and service, we strengthen our relationship with God, which opens our teachable space.  The knowledge of the Universe is within; it just needs to be cultivated.  Any decision or question that needs an answer has a direct connection to your personal guide. It’s like having your own “Bat Phone.” Have faith in your own revelations. Trust that the Universe within you speaks words of guidance and love.  Stay open and set the intention to learn something new everyday.

Monday Meditative Thought – Pushing Restart

Monday Meditative Thought: I hope that everyone had a little rest and relaxation over Mother’s Day weekend. Sometimes, especially at the beginning of a week we just need to push restart. On those days the activities of our life can be so challenging that it feels like a downward spiral. These are the times we get to do what I call a “spiritual do-over.” We can always push the restart button and begin again.  When we are faced with difficulty, we can go to the secret place within our hearts and simply breathe. By stopping and taking a moment to be still, we will find the peace that seems to elude us. Our restart always begins by turning to God.  By pushing the restart button we will know inner peace and serenity and our day will be brand new.

Monday Meditative Thought – Celebrating a New Communication

Monday Meditative Thought: If we believe that God is everywhere active, then God is present and active within ourselves.
So many times we forget that simple sacred principle. The Omni presence of the Universe means that there is nowhere that God is not. When we become aware of this truth, we begin to see with our third eye, our spiritual eye, and we move with a new focus. Remembering that God is always active changes our language. We will change how we talk to others and to ourselves. A question that keeps us aligned and awake is, “Would I talk about God that way?”  When we are in conversation with someone or even talking to ourselves, check in with the language and how we choose to communicate. Remember that God is always listening.

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