Category: Mind Body Spirit

Friday Affirmation and Body Connection – Know Better

For today’s affirmation you’ll meditate and affirm that you are the master of your destiny and filled with infinite possibilities. Find a spot and take a second and let yourself breathe. And so you are, and so let it be. Amen

Today’s Body Connection: As the season continues to cool we must begin to see that our own transformation begins with awareness. It could be the first moment of the crisp Fall morning when we put on our shirt and notice that it doesn’t fit or those pair of jeans are just a smidgen too tight and we tell ourselves that the “dryer monster” purposely shrunk our clothes. The honest truth is that we know better. It’s time to get moving and stop making excuses. It’s time to “put downs and push a ways.” Put down the smartphone and push away from the table. Today is your day to transform your life and it begins with a walk, a jog, hitting the mat, to move and the start of a new the awakening.

Peace and Blessings,

– Skip


Super Soul Sunday with Oprah Winfrey


This past month has been one of being on the go and being away from people near and dear to me including my spiritual family. While on the road I keep tuned via Oprah’s program, Super Soul Sunday. It’s a show that I cannot recommend enough.  The show is designed to help viewers awaken to their best selves and discover a deeper connection to the world around them and features conversations between Oprah and philosophers, authors, visionaries, and spiritual leaders. It presents an array of perspectives on what it means to be alive in today’s world. I’ve watched the show exploring themes and issues including happiness, personal fulfillment, spirituality and conscious living, guests who have appeared include: Nobel laureate Elie WieselMaya AngelouBrené BrownIndia.ArieWayne DyerGary ZukavIyanla VanzantMarianne Williamson, Coach Phil JacksonRam DassEckhart Tolle,Diana Nyad, Sarah Ban Breathnach, and Thich Nhat Hanh.

As I said, I cannot recommend it enough.

Peace and blessings,


A new season of Super Soul Sunday begins this Sunday Sept 7th. You can also watch past shows here





Friday Affirmation – Healing to Revelation

As we end this work week with our Friday affirmation, let’s recall the theme of “Healing to Revelation” from this week’s meditation and  journal. Let’s begin: I am one with the Cosmos; therefore full of Abundance and Joy. I am one with the Universe; therefore my life is Whole and Complete. I am one with God; therefore my life is full of Divine Love and Compassion. And so it is. Amen

– Skip

21 Day Meditation Experience – Day 11

Day 11 – Activating Love

This week we have been activating the key energies of our chakras—security, happiness, and power. Today, we continue the journey by activating that part of our life energy that is precious, potent, and can be considered the nectar of our human experience—love. With abundant love flowing from the heart, everything in life is sweeter, brighter, and more enjoyable.

Today’s meditation takes us to the source of love as we activate the fourth energy center, our heart chakra. In our time together, we will open the heart center and gently dissolve the blocks to love—so that this powerful energy can flow into every part of our lives.

Love is compassionate and forgiving . . . it unites even while it celebrates differences. You don’t need to look outside yourself to awaken this love. It is present in your heart chakra, right now and always. – Oprah Winfrey and Deepak Chopra

Today’s Quote

“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself you have built against it.” —Rumi

The Shift With Skip Radio – Guest Marianne Williamson

The Shift With Skip Jennings

The Shift With Skip Jennings

This week a rebroadcast of our interview with Marianne Williamson author of, “Return to Love, The Gift of Change, Woman’s Worth “and the latest novel, “A Year Of Miracles”. Marianne is one of the world’s leading transformational voices that has altered the way that we see the world and ourselves. Join us as she shares about her latest novel and more…  Listen Here  Please note, since it is a replay, we will not be taking calls for this show. Thank You

Monday Meditative Thought – Your Vision Will Pull You

Monday Meditative Thought: We must be willing to catch the vision for our life. When we conceive what we know is our divine calling, this vision will pull you to a higher level of existence. It will be the thing that takes hold of you and doesn’t let go. A vision inspires you to reach higher and to be more. When searching for this higher meaning to our life, we must be willing to go within. We must spend time with the source from which this vision is created. Allow your vision to elevate your existence.

Happy New You and One of Ten Golden Rules for Transformation



The New Year has come! What I say to that, is happy new you. Welcome to the new school of thought from 2014 boo! This is the time I want all of you to think about what are the things that you would like in your life. It can be anything you want, from a new job to a new way of life, whatever your heart desires. You can have it, and you deserve it. I mean it! It all starts with you.

To kick off the New Year in 2014, I have a new book coming out that I would love to share with you all here. The book is called Total Transformation and in this book I go into great detail about my ten principles of transformation and how they can be applied to our everyday lives. I use these principles with my clients and ultimately within my own life. The book will be released sometime this spring and I wanted to share a little preview with you for the next ten weeks.

In each chapter of the book, I give growth work exercises. Feel free to write these down and begin your transformational journey with me each week and pick up the book as well for more growth work and tips. 

Check out the excerpt below:



What is the meaning of success?

            Let’s talk about success. I always say that you have to ask the big questions. Let’s make sure we are thinking big. I want you to think big and remove any limitations.

The big question is: What are your goals, desires and intentions for your life?

            Will these things change? Yes. And as we grow, our desires, goals and intentions will expand and change. This comes from any of the trio: your mind, body or spirit. The thought can be anything from finding a new job, to finding a new love.

Growth work: If you could do anything in the world, what would it be?

DAILY TRANSFORMATIONAL NUGGETS FOR THE BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT: 31 Days of Setting Intentions – Day 31 “A New Way of Life”

DAILY TRANSFORMATIONAL NUGGETS FOR THE BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT: 31 Days of Setting Intentions – Day 31  “A New Way of Life”

Today’s Body Connection:  When we say yes to fitness, we say yes to a new way of living.  Our life becomes fuller with purpose.  We begin to know that there is nothing we cannot do.  We must allow our physical practice to be the tool that elevates our belief system.  Today, as you work out, set the intention to expand your awareness.  Consciousness creates form. so create your new life from your new way of thinking.

Today’s Meditative Thought: We must always set the intention to grow and expand our consciousness.  When there is a shift in awareness, it is always followed by a new way of life.

A transformation begins with an intention: intention to grow, to change, to shift, or just to be more of ourselves.  This intention always focuses on our evolutionary development.  Even when we think it is time to change the way we look or to lose a few pounds, all things bring us back to the nature of our oneness with the Universal presence of God.  It is our divine birthright to look in the mirror and feel good when we see ourselves.

After the intention comes the action.  We just can’t sit around on our intention.  A new way of life requires action.  “Faith without works is dead.”  Once we have identified and participated in the practice on a consistent basis, we begin to see a new way of life that has taken over the old.  Set the intention and follow it up with the action.  Then you will see your life as new.


Today’s Action Plan:  Today, set the intention to embrace a new way of life; a transformation of your existence.  Take the time to vision for your life, and see what, and how, the Universe is calling you to participate.  Catch your new way of life vision that is seeking to emerge.  Once you receive the vision, step into action and create the practice that will support your transformation.  Prepare yourself for a new way of living.  It’s already within you; just allow it to come forth.


Today’s Affirmation:  Just for this moment…just for this breath, I embrace my oneness with Spirit that ignites my transformation.  I am blessing and fulfilling my birthright of infinite possibilities.  Amen.

Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach


Exercise with Skip online at


For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit:

Get your copy of “Spirit Explosion”





Today’s Body Connection:  Resting is the best way to get stronger.  The days we are still are the days that the body recovers and regains its strength.  We must work out hard but rest harder.  Balance is the key. If we don’t take the time to recover, we train the body-temple from a disadvantage.  Some days we must push the restart button by taking a day off.  Retreat from your workout to begin again.  When we take a day off, we come back to the physical practice full of energy and renewed.

Today’s Meditative Thought:  Sometimes we must retreat from our everyday lives to push the restart button.  The word “retreat” means to withdraw into a place of safety, a refuge, or retirement and/or a period of retirement for religious or spiritual practices like meditation and prayer.

When we decide that life has become overwhelming or too challenging, it is time for a retreat.  We do not have to go up to the mountains or to the desert to push restart, although that is the ideal way to retreat.  We can begin again in our homes, in the backyard, down the street at the park, or even with a day at the beach.

A retreat is a turning away from what stands in the way of your spiritual practice, and a surrender to your connection with God.  Be open to a daily retreat from the world.  Find a place that you can escape from the grind and fall into the arms of God.  Set the intention to find your safe haven in God.  The Universe is always ready for you to “steal away” some time for yourself.

Today’s Action Plan:  Today, set the intention to retreat on a daily basis.  Find the time to unplug from the world and connect with God.  For 30 days, take time to shut off the computer, cell phone, and TV and just be still.

Today’s Affirmation:  Just for this moment…just for this breath, my oneness with the power of God fuels my very being.  My safe haven is in my sacred and holy place within.  And so it is.  Amen.

Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach

Exercise with Skip online at

For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit:

Get your copy of “Spirit Explosion”

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