Category: Skip Jennings

The Shift With Skip Radio Guest – Janet Grace Nelson


This week I’m honored to have Janet Grace Nelson as my guest. Janet is a Spiritual Life Coach, Speaker, Teacher and Co-Author of “Fearless Women, A Vision for a NEW World.” and her newest book, “Putting the Broken Pieces Back Together” A Guide to Building a Life That’s Been Shattered.

Janet Grace is known as the “Love Your Life” coach whose greatest passion is to inspire you to live the life of your Dreams, tap into your POWER and help you to “Create the LIFE you LOVE”.

In addition, she also works with groups and corporations as well as individual Spiritual Life Coaching through Classes, Programs and MasterMind Groups and EmPowerment Retreats worldwide.

For more information about Janet, her events and more, visit:

My segment with Janet Grace Nelson is available On-Demand here. Check my events page on my radio page for the latest upcoming guests or to listen to past shows On-Demand.

Shows are LIVE Wednesday at 10 AM


Recipe – Taco Tuesday with Mamma Jo Jo’s Fish Tacos

Taco Tuesday

This week we’ll take a break and change it up a bit with a pescaderian recipe from Jo Ann Gantus, one of the familiar morning faces at Equinox Pasadena. Jo Ann or as I affectionally call her, Mamma Jo Jo made these terrific Tilapia Fish Tacos that I had to ask for the recipe. Let me know what you think. They are super easy to make and taste delicious. Thank you Mamma Jo Jo!


– Skip

Mamma Jo Jo’s Fish Tacos

1-2 lbs. of Tilapia (fresh or frozen)
1 Package of Trader Joe’s Cole Slaw or favorite fresh one from your deli
1- Pack of your favorite Corn Tortilla
1 Bottle Cole Slaw Dressing
1/4 cup of grated fresh mozzarella
16 oz Home Made Tomato Salsa or of your favorite jar of salsa
1- Avocado (Haas preferred)
Lawry’s Season-All
Non-stick spray (Pam) or for the paleo in you, butter
Skillet or Frying Pan

Salsa/ Topping Preparation
Dice Avocado into small bite size pieces
Grate mozzarella

Tilapia Preparation:
Ready fresh (or thawed) Talapia and sprinkle both sides with Lawry’s Season-All and Pepper.

Spray or coat Skillet/Frying pan with either PAM or butter set aside and prep skillet.
Go medium heat with your skillet but before butter burns if using butter
Add seasoned Tilapia and cook each side 2-3 minutes
Remove from skillet onto bowl
Break into bite size pieces
Set Aside
Clean skillet as we’ll use it to heat up tortillas

Taco Slaw Preparation
Mix your Cole Slaw with Cole Slaw dressing to your taste.

Building Your Tacos!
Take your tortillas and warm them on your skillet/frying pan. Warm them on both sides then begin to build adding your Tilapia and slaw. Add avocado, grated mozzarella, and salsa to taste. Fold and enjoy!

Do you have a recipe that you would like to share? Send it in

DVD- Dancer Body Break Through

BreakThroughNot everyone wants big bulky muscle. My Dancer Body Breakthrough DVD contain 25+ years of experience in developing cutting-edge exercises based on strength training, dancer’s conditioning, integrative strength, functional training, Pilates and yoga with the pure intention to lean out the body. The exercises I’ve put together contain a perfect balance of contract and release movements, posture, strong core and flexibility that you will feel like a new person!

It’s available in both DVD and Download

DVD for $19.99  Amazon
Download for $14.99 Skip’s DigitalShop

Customer Review

Great video for those missing and wanting one of those terrific work outs with Skip Jennings! …

– M. Gonzales

Body Connection – You Are The Light…

Skip Jennings RelaxingWe started off the week with meditating and reminding ourselves that you are a gift to this planet and you have said yes to a mission that only you can do. Remember, when you exercise the body hosts our mindfulness and acts as a shelter, haven, temple, that radiates your presence.  This radiance or aura shines a brightness that everyone can see.  Have you ever run into someone after a great workout and their response been something like, “You look amazing!” or “You’re glowing!”?  It’s more than just sweat, that’s your light of God shining through and as you, activated be your physical practice.  When you get your blood moving and elevate your heart rate, there is a natural radiance of health and fitness that cannot be denied.  

Your Action Plan: Get your eternal glow pumping by participating in your physical practice or if you are just beginning see about taking the stairs instead of the elevator or doing a 15 minute walk instead of 10.  

Peace and Blessings,



Friday Affirmation – Release and Let Go

This past week we focused on a lyric from one of my favorite Rickie Byars and Rev Michael Beckwith songs, “I Release and I Let Go”. Today we’ll focus on affirming the power of releasing. So begin by finding a space and affirm that just for this moment…just for this breath, begin releasing everything that blocks you from loving yourself. Focus and repeat that you are worthy of true love, because love is what you are. You are a strong pillar of Joy, rooted in a foundation of Grace.  And so it is.  Amen

Your Spiritual Assignment this weekend: Work to actively release and turn everything over to God.  When you find yourself wanting to control a situation, consciously give it to your higher self.


Music – Pump Up Your Workouts With Schwinn & Power Music!

Schwinn LogoI’m so happy to announce some fabulous New Music from some of the best Schwinn Master Trainers in Industry. We’re pumping up the volume and making workouts fun. Check out the Schwinn Master Trainer series indoor cycling music compilations by Julz Arney, Doris Thews, and Jeffrey Scott, all guaranteed to get your body moving.  Each of these mixes are geared with a Warm-Up, Stage 1, 2, 3 and 4, plus either a stretch or a cool down track.  Just click on any of the three compilations below for a more information, a quick listen, plus pricing.  Enjoy, – Skip

Julz Arney

Julz Arney

Doris Thews

Doris Thews

Jeffery Scott

Jeffery Scott

The Shift With Skip Radio Guest – Dr. Susan Allison

Dr Susan AllisonLove and relationships are built into our DNA, it’s what makes us human. Love and be loved this week as Dr. Susan Allison joins me on the Shift Radio Wednesday at 9am PT. Dr. Susan Allison shares her tips for finding long lasting love. Join us as we talk dating, relationships, getting back into the dating life and so much more. Your questions on love will be addressed. There’s someone out there for everyone, we just have to know where to look.

Follow us on Twitter @ShiftWithSkip or on Facebook here
Tune in here LIVE this coming Wednesday morning Aug 20th @ 9 AM or anytime after as they are archived.

The Shift With Skip Radio Guest – Nancy Rue

Nancy Rue

According to the Ambassadors 4 Kids Club, one out of every four students is bullied—and 85% of these situations never receive intervention. This week on The Shift we’re talking with teen novelist Nancy Rue, who’s latest novel, “So Not Okay”, deals with bullying in schools.

We’ll discuss the issue of human kindness, and what we can do to stop bullying. Parents, students, and teachers alike have amped up the discussion of how to solve the bullying problem for a networked generation of kids. Help us push this movement forward and stop this once and for all.

Call in and ask your questions. Plus we’re giving away a couple copies of the book to share with your tween.

Follow us on Twitter @ShiftWithSkip or on Facebook here. #bullying #sonotokay
Tune in here LIVE this coming Wednesday morning July 23rd at 9 am or anytime after.


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