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Skip’s January Coaching Tips for Success – 15 Tips for Saving Money, Reducing Spending


15 Tips for, “Cutting Back—Saving Money and Reducing Personal Spending”

I put together these 15 tips to help you save money and grow your personal savings.

  1. Create a budget and know your spending limits.
  2. Get a budget App for your smart phone. Your budget will be with you wherever you go.
  3. Research online for the best quality and the best price on all of your purchases.
  4. Check to see if there are rebates or promotional codes available and use them.
  5. Before you buy always ask, “Do I really need this purchase?”
  6. Know the difference between NEEDs and WANTs
    • Needs are essential for living such as:
      • Food
      • Paying Bills
      • Rent/Mortgage
      • Utilities
      • Car Payment
      • Student Loans/Tuition
      • Medical Care
    • Wants: I can live without it…but I want it
  7. Remember, material things do not make us happy.
  8. Shop within you closet, drawer and/or cabinet before you decide to buy something new.
  9. Make a shopping list before you shop, and stick to it:
    • Grocery Shopping
    • Drug Store Shopping
    • Costco
    • Home Depot
    • Online Shopping
  10. Take a 30-Day Retreat from shopping.
    • Only buy the essentials
    • Take time to evaluate your past shopping habits
    • Journal your experience—learn
  11. Do not throw away change! Get a change jar, and when it is full, take it to the grocery store or the bank; exchange it for cash.
  12. Make a list of 10 ways you can cut back or cut out non-essential wants like coffee on the go. Make your own.
  13. Condense all ½ and ¼ used bottles of cosmetics to create a full container
  14. Buy one and give one away. If your closet is bursting at the seams, when you purchase a new item of clothing give one away.
  15. Be grateful for everything you have and you will always have enough.

Setting Intentions, World Yoga, Vegetable Stock, Meditation of a Skeptic and more…

  • Stephen EwashkiwHow a skeptic learned to love meditation
  • My latest recipe, a vegetable stock from my upcoming book, The Lotus Kitchen
  • #ShiftWithSkip week 2  setting your intentions for mind and body 
  • International yoga teacher StephenEwashkiw talks yoga global his world bike trip and more.
  • LA things to do: Quentin Tarantino’s The New Beverly Cinema’s amazing roster of movies most double features, cool movies for only eight dollars per ticket!

Monday Meditative Thought – Download Directions of the Devine

This week’s meditation thought will focus on what I like to call the triple “D’s” or the “Download Directions of the Devine” Much like the multitude of gadgets that aim to keep us focused, we should also tune ourselves for insight and revelations to help us focus our shift and transform our lives. This Download Directions of the Devine is attained via a practice of prayer, meditation, and sacred study.  Take a minute, two, five or what you can spare and start. It is through these Aha moments that give us the opportunities to be present and awake and ask God for the insights you need to change your life.

This week’s Action Plan: All this weeks look for divine guidance for transformation or triple D’s. Taking those moments you set aside and begin contemplating your next steps via prayer, meditation and sacred study, and begin to outline the goal plus obstacles needed to overcome that which you are seeking.

Peace and blessings,

– Skip

Monday Meditative Thought – Know Better

Monday’s Meditative Thought: The answer is always the same: Most of us have forgotten our connection to God. The late Maya Angelo’s used to say, “We can only do better if we know better,” is our pathway to transformation. You are the master of your existence and only you can transform your life. You have and will always have the power within you. Transformation is an inside job that can only be achieved by you. Once you begin to take responsibility for your life, will you see the growth.

This week’s Action Plan:
This week focus on becoming the master of your existence and take charge of your life. Take a moment before your day and practice, and own it. You know better so you will do better. Ask yourself during your workout or you meditation, “How can I do better?”

Book Review – “Alchemist”

Book The AlchemistI am loving this book! The Alchemist, by Brazilian-born author Paulo Coelho, was first published in 1988 and originally written in Portuguese. Now in over 56 languages,  it’s one of the most inspiring stories of our time. This book takes you on a journey of enlightenment and is a must read for sure. The Alchemist follows the journey of a shepherd boy named Santiago. Who’s recurring dream leads him to believe that it’s prophetic and who then decides to travel to a Romani in a nearby town to discover its meaning. A gypsy woman tells him that there is a treasure in the Pyramids in Egypt. The story winds us through an adventure that teaches us, as only a few stories can, about the essential wisdom of listening to our hearts, learning to read the events of our lives strewn along life’s path, and, above all, to follow our dreams.

I can’t recommend it enough

– Skip

It’s available via Amazon and Goodreads

Affirmation Friday – Gratitude is the Attitude!

_DSC0511This week marks a special week as I celebrated my 50th Birthday. At first I was going to go low-key until my momma called late last week and convinced me otherwise. In her wisdom she said it’s a big one, go have fun. Wise words. And so, here I am….celebrating life. I want to give out a very, very, big shout out to all of you who have sent their best wishes, love, kind words and celebrations with cake. You all are the reason I do what I do and I am truly blessed for the support you have bestowed upon me through and through. I’m looking forward to a terrific next-halve of my life adventure. Whose’s coming with me boo?

– Skip

The Shift With Skip Radio Guest – Terri Daniels

guest-terri-danielJoin me as we invite Terri Daniel’s on the air. Terri is the founder of The Afterlife Conference where authors, spiritual leaders and gurus from all over the world gather to talk about the spiritual realm that is the afterlife.  Her new book, Turning the Corner on Grief Street is her second in her series exploring death as part of our sacred journey in spiritual growth that elevates our perspectives and expand us rather than paralyze us.  


The Shift Radio show is carried live at 9am Pacific via BlogTalkRadio and available as a podcast. Click here to listen for this week’s and all past shows.


Training @Equinox – Fit Physique

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I often call Fit Physique the training of the future. It’s a perfect blend of body and mind manifested as freedom of motion and is drawn from traditional strength training, dancer’s conditioning and Pilates inspired movements with the goal of long lean toned body. No bulky muscles. Extra stretching geared for perfect posture and you’ll leave feeling like a work of art!  You’ll love it.

– Skip

I teach it twice a week @Equinox #Pasadena and #CenturyCity locations. Please note that an Equinox membership is required.

Fit Physique @ Equinox Pasadena
Mondays from 8:30am – 9:25am


Fit Physique @ Equinox Century City
Tuesday from 8am – 9am

equinox-logo 200x101

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