Category: Uncategorized

Finding Your Gifts

Why are we here on this Earth? Look deeper into your hopes, aspirations and find the essence of you. Finding your true gifts and recognizing your strengths will help you begin on your journey. Our true calling in life can help us determine how we want to go about our transformation. Physical fitness is part of that journey. Think of it as training your body for an adventure–your life.
What’s important?
Physical fitness is about empowering yourself. Making the decision to change our relationship with ourselves and the way that our body interacts with our mind is always the first step. We must have the strength to rethink our outlook on change. The positive benefits outweigh our insecurities because once your mind is convinced that change is needed and can be done, you are setting your spirit free to get you there.
Write down a few things in your life you would like to change or strengthen. Seeing your goals and writing them down let’s them be released into the universe. Get the ball rolling and you will see that it can happen.

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The Month of February: New Look and Feel for You & Me

February is the month of loving yourself and your body from the inside out. The way we feel can help give us the confidence to love ourselves. Transforming the way that we feel can help our spiritual journey to the new you– the transformation of our spiritual selves.

This year is all about transformation and I am going to take you on a journey with me. Follow me with my new blog, new look and advice to get you moving and appreciating the inner you that has laid dormant. Try something new with me and my SpiroFit workouts that can help you get to the place you want to be. This year is the year of rebirth. If you’re lost, I can show you the way.

Affirmation of transformation: I am _____________ (fill in the blank).

What are you? Personally, I say, “I am loved, I am joy, I am power, I am complete–whole.” When we finish these words, ‘The I am’ this is our truth and our release to push forward.

DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS: 31 Days of Setting Intentions Day 7 “Knowing Your Perfection”

DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS: 31 Days of Setting Intentions Day 7 “Knowing Your Perfection”

Meditative Thought: Perfection is not what we do; perfection is what we are.  We must constantly remind our self that we are more than heartache, lack, limitation, disease, doubt or fear that we may experience during this human incarnation.  We are divine beings.  We must use our third eye, our spiritual eye, to see beyond our faults, character defects, the ego mind, and other distractions.  There are times in our life that we cannot recognize the presence of God, and need to ask for help.  It could be help from a practitioner, a spiritual counselor, friends, or God itself.   But, the only way to truly know God is in the stillness of our heart.  We must take the take the time to be still, and know that God is our life; therefore perfection is what we are.  It is in the stillness, the holy space of our consciousness, where we can experience the true nature of God. We must always set the intention to know more God.  We must set the intention to grow in our spiritual journey.

Spiritual Assignment:  Today, set the intention to see with our third eye.  Set the intention to expand our consciousness though prayer and meditation.  During your day ask the Universe to reveal itself.  There may be time when you just stop and say a prayer, “God show yourself,” then expect God to show up.

Affirmation:  Just for this moment… just for this breath, my mind, body, and spirit is the life of God.  I am an on purpose, being on a mission to know God.  As I bless myself, I bless the planet.  Amen.

Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach

For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit:

DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS: “Remember Day 13 – You Can Do All Things With God ”

DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS:  “Remember Day 13 – You Can Do All Things With God ”

Meditative Thought: Today, remember there is nothing you cannot do with the power of God.  You have the power within you to heal the sick, build a bridge, feed the hungry, and grow a garden.  You name it, you can do it.  You can even move a mountain.  Think about it, there is nothing you can’t do, so go and do it.  You and the father are on.  I love Nike, because the company reminds us to just do it.

Affirmation:  Just for this moment…just for this breath, I remember that I can do greater things in God than I have ever done before.  And so it is.  Amen.

Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach


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