Category: Video

The Spiritual Life

Skip has launched a new app where spirituality and fitness meet toward a balance of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of good health, loaded with inspiring content for the mind, body and spirit.

Many of us are affected by how we handle the stress that life brings us.  As we journey through life, it is essential to find our balance.  Our mind can control most of our natural healing capabilities.  For the Mind, I have videos of inspirational talks, such as “The Gratitude Practice”, “The Power of Three, and “How Do We Get Back to Love”, designed to guide you into  feeling more connected to all living things and learn the power of our deep mind.

Keeping our Body healthy includes eating foods that are nutritious, exercising to keep our body strong and understanding the importance of the natural wonders of fresh air, sunlight and clean water.  The app features several videos and  tips on fitness, including “Yoga, Cardio Zen Elevation, Workout, Fitness for Love and Gratitude, which are complimentary recipes for holistic healing to experience wellness on a deeper level.

Our spiritual health is another important part of our overall-wellness.  It connects us to a greater being and helps shed light on life and purpose.   I have put together videos on “Guided Meditation and several podcasts on “The Journey to Spiritual Greatness”, “Self Love, Part I: Learning to Love Ourselves Fully”, “Messages from the Divine,” and “Global Healing During Covid 19″.

When our body, mind, and spirit are aligned, we can achieve optimal wellness through each element.

Sign up for “The Spiritual Life” app today at and watch the content at anytime and anywhere on your phone, TV, laptop, tablet or desktop.

The Shift With Skip Video Blog – This Is The Day

This week’s The Shift With Skip Video Blog – This Is The Day

Take some time out to recognized the beauty that fills that day. that you keep moving in nature and fill your mantra with: “This is the Day, I will rejoice and be glad in it.” Click the video above or here .

The Shift Video Blog – Prayer and Meditation

This Week’s Shift With Skip Video Blog

This week I explore Prayer and Meditation and discuss the three types of prayer and how I define Meditation. Don’t forget to visit my YouTube page for more tips of body, mind, spirit and how to live life to the fullest! Click video below or here to see this week’s video.

Coaching Tips From Skip Jennings – Giving Back Make a Difference

“When we learn we must teach.”
-Maya Angelou

“When we are given, we must give.”

Giving Back

This week’s Coaching Tips on “Giving Back” were inspired by Ms. Maya Angelou and my recent Shift With Skip radio guest Kristina Tester, who’s selfless giving back in Africa lit the inspiration of these tips on the spirit of giving back. So click the video above or here to watch and follow along below.

My Ten tips on Giving Back:

1. Explorer your passion. What speaks to you? Find a way to support a cause that is near and dear to your heart.

2. Radom Acts of Kindness is key. Find ways to be kind, but shhhh…. Do it without anyone knowing. How about dropping a coin in an expired parking meter or paying for someone’s coffee behind you.

3. Explore the opportunity to serve at a soup kitchen or a shelter.

4. Donate your old cloths to a charity that support a local cause.

5. Donate money to a charity that resonates with your soul.

6. Remember we are all connected. When you do something for someone you get the blessing as well.

7. If you are feeling down or depressed, the best way to shift your spirit is tone of service.

8. Be grateful for all that you have. This is a sure way to inspire a life of service.

9. There is no big acts or little acts of giving back, it all the same.

10. Remember it all about love

Peace and Blessings,


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