Category: Wednesday Journal

Happy New Year

HappyNewYear-2015Wishing you a Happy New Year!  2014 was busy year and one that took me across the country and around the world sharing what I love best and meeting both new and old friends.  I’m especially thankful for all my loved ones close and near and my team who keep me sane. I’m also especially grateful to my colleagues and to all of you for the encouragement you showed me this year. Let’s make 2015 and even better one.

In 2015,  let’s think about making promises to yourself. But instead of making a list of specific resolutions, make a promise to yourself that as you go along (living in the present moment) to live the best life that you can. Give yourself the opportunity to experience new things with much less stress. Let this coming year be productive no matter where you are at in your journey. Wishing you a happy and adventurous 2015!

Peace and Blessings,

– Skip

Body Connection – You Are The Light…

Skip Jennings RelaxingWe started off the week with meditating and reminding ourselves that you are a gift to this planet and you have said yes to a mission that only you can do. Remember, when you exercise the body hosts our mindfulness and acts as a shelter, haven, temple, that radiates your presence.  This radiance or aura shines a brightness that everyone can see.  Have you ever run into someone after a great workout and their response been something like, “You look amazing!” or “You’re glowing!”?  It’s more than just sweat, that’s your light of God shining through and as you, activated be your physical practice.  When you get your blood moving and elevate your heart rate, there is a natural radiance of health and fitness that cannot be denied.  

Your Action Plan: Get your eternal glow pumping by participating in your physical practice or if you are just beginning see about taking the stairs instead of the elevator or doing a 15 minute walk instead of 10.  

Peace and Blessings,



Wednesday Spiritual Journal Assignment – Summer of 2014

© M B / Attribution-ShareAlikeSummer is still blazing, but we’re nearing the end which means we bring into mind our plans for the fall. We think about all the wonderful times that we’ve had with family and friends, the goals we met, new relationships we’ve created and what is to come. Each season comes and goes with grace, elegance and poise–as we should.

Summer blossoms and brings with it the tastes of new beginnings, with its closing we nurture those beginnings and tend to them all year long. I invite you to journal with me and remember all those wonderful things that you had the chance to experience and with whom. Take a moment to think of all that you are grateful for this summer. Think of all that you have accomplished. Now, live in that present moment of gratitude and joy. Remember what this feels like, being surrounded by joy–here you’ll find peace. 

– Skip

Share your gratitude journal tips with me on Twitter @SkipJennings

Wednesday Spiritual Journal Assignment – How Your Vision Will Pull You

Wednesday Spiritual Journal Assignment:  Monday we meditated on this week’s theme, “Your Vision Will Pull You”. Today you will continue with this theme with a journal about your vision.  If you don’t know what it is, go into the meditation and allow God to reveal what your vision is.  Spend time within contemplation and allow the vision to take hold of your soul until it is pulling you to a new level of existence.

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