Articles Tagged with: Action Plan

This Week’s Meditative Thought – The Practice of Love

Screenshot 2015-02-02 12.04.57Love is the highest state of consciousness and it is the awareness of God in action.  Being in a state of love is releasing the human condition of : lack, limitation, disappointment, fear, and worry, which block the flow of Love.  This week we’ll aim for The practice of Love, to help free ourselves from the human condition.  Love is connecting with the light within you and with someone else.  The sorrow of the human condition would have us believe that love is not possible.  That is a lie of the ego.

One of the intentions I speak about in yoga is opening up the heart and allowing yourself to love again.  We must set the intention to practice Love.  If there is a religion that I subscribe to, it is the religion of Love and Kindness.

Remember, what you send out is what you get back.

This Week’s Action Plan:  Today, set the intention to The Practice of Love.  When you find yourself operating from a place of fear, shift your thinking right away.   Give yourself permission to love yourself.  Allow your heart chakra to be open and filled with love. Forgive yourself for the fear that consumed your thinking and begin again.



This Week’s Meditative Thought – Remember to Remember

remember-to-remember-mediativeWaking up is one thing, but staying awake is a completely different practice. As we approach the end of the first month of the year, we’ll tackle the theme of Remember to Remember for true change.

Remembering to remember our divine self can be more challenging than experiencing “Ah-Ha” moments. Each and every day there are eye-opening insights that activate evolution, but then comes the action required to implement true change.  Once we begin the journey to shift, we must continue the work in order to remember.  This could come from prayer, meditation, sacred study, fellowship, and self-contemplation.  Set the intention to “remember to remember” every day.

For this week’s Remember to Remember Action Plan we want to set the intention to stay awake. A quick mantra can always help: “I am one with God.”  Create your mantra that keeps you on track.  Commit to a practice of aligning yourself with the one power of God.


– Skip

This Week’s Meditative Thought – The Illuminated Life

Illuminating Light BulbThis month we’ll focus on “Celebrating Light” and we’ll begin with “The Illuminated Life” as this Week’s Meditative Thought

Living an illuminated life is a journey surrendered to the revealing of God. Every moment, every breath is dedicated to seeing the unfolding of the Divine Mind, not only in our lives, but also in every person, place, or situation that we come in contact with. Once you are aware that we live, move, and have our being in God, this is the beginning of the illuminated life. God is everywhere present, always active, knows all divine things, and is all-powerful, and this is the consciousness of the illuminated life.

Your Action Plan: Today and for the remaining week, live your life with the awareness of God in your life. Live the illuminated life every breath you take. Take a moment and recognize the power that live within you. Awareness is key so today stay awake.

Thanksgiving Meditative Thought

A thanksgiving decoration sign over a white backgroundMeister Eckhart wrote, “If the only Prayer you said in your life was ‘Thank You,’ that would suffice.” This month we’ve been meditating on an affirmative prayer. As we enter Thanksgiving week we’ll continue with affirmation and discuss faith; faith that it is done. By saying thank you it becomes the affirmation of the appreciation for God and its infinite expression of giving. The more we say thank you, the more we affirm to be thankful for.

This week’s Meditation Action Plan: Seek out and affirm to say thank you every chance you get.

Wishing you all a blessed Thanksgiving,

– Skip

This Week’s Meditative Thought and Action Plan – Freedom

© M B / Attribution-ShareAlikeThis week we build upon the freedom we gain from our Affirmative Prayer . When we speak an affirmation or affirmative prayer we choose to be an active participant with the co-creator with the Universe. When we speak with this authority we begin to be part of the fabric of the reality around us and lose the chains of bondage that makes us powerless in the events that seem outside our control. Just praying to a God outside of us, hoping that a blessing will come…is powerless. When we realize our oneness with the Universe, it empower our lives. An Affirmative Prayer is the knowing that you have everything you need and that you’re free to live your fullest life.

This week’s Action Plan: All week seek to pray to God that lives within you and aim to speak to Spirit like you would to an old friend, because it is. The Universe is part of you and has been with you since before time, and it will never leave you.

Peace and Blessings,

– Skip

This Week’s Meditative Thought and Action Plan – The Affirmative

affirmative prayerAffirmative Prayer

Most people believe in God, a Universal force that governs our existence. Prayer is a way to access and commune with that energy. In the past I used to pray to a God outside myself, asking and beseeching a gray, old father figure for the desires of my heart. Now I understand that God is within each and every being. I am one with this all-powerful force. I pray with an understanding that I am one with the source of life. I use a form of praying called, “Affirmative Prayer.”

Instead of begging for something, affirmative prayer states the truth of life. Affirmative prayer declares our unification with God. I believe we have everything we need. Affirmative prayer is a tool to anchor that belief. It is no longer whom I am praying to, it is where I am praying from. I am praying from a place of knowing that I am Love, Joy, Abundance, Wholeness, Peace, Order, Balance, Gratitude, Oneness, and Compassion. Affirmative prayer is a prayer field anchored by the universe, immersed in God.


This week’s Action Plan: All this week during your prayer time, practice affirmative prayer. Speak the truth of who you are. Say, “I am Abundance, Love, Joy, Grace, Compassion, Creativity, Wholeness, and Prosperity.” Take the time to journal your feelings and the vibration affirmative prayer gives you.

Monday Meditative Thought – The Journey

Transformation as a Journey

As we enter the final week of our theme on renewal, I want to highlight that transformation is a journey and not a destination. Once you think you have arrived at your destination or goal, ask yourself a question, “Where does this road of transformation lead?” By asking this question, it creates an openness and willingness to grow and be more of our authentic self.

This week’s Action Plan: Embrace the journey of transformation. Take a breath, open your heart, and keep moving. Remember, you are on your journey, taking it in one step at a time, observant and knowing that your journey of enlightenment is unfolding.

Peace and Blessings,

– Skip

Monday Meditative Thought – Download Directions of the Devine

This week’s meditation thought will focus on what I like to call the triple “D’s” or the “Download Directions of the Devine” Much like the multitude of gadgets that aim to keep us focused, we should also tune ourselves for insight and revelations to help us focus our shift and transform our lives. This Download Directions of the Devine is attained via a practice of prayer, meditation, and sacred study.  Take a minute, two, five or what you can spare and start. It is through these Aha moments that give us the opportunities to be present and awake and ask God for the insights you need to change your life.

This week’s Action Plan: All this weeks look for divine guidance for transformation or triple D’s. Taking those moments you set aside and begin contemplating your next steps via prayer, meditation and sacred study, and begin to outline the goal plus obstacles needed to overcome that which you are seeking.

Peace and blessings,

– Skip

Monday Meditative Thought – You Are The Light…

Start this wonderful week of September by getting into the proper meditative thought. Begin by reminding ourselves that you are a gift to this planet and you have said yes to a mission that only you can do.  The Universe supports your vision, so step out and boldly approach your destiny.  Bring God’s light through your gifts and talents. Let your light shine.

Today’s Action Plan:  Remember that all day this week that you are the light of God and that you are meant to let that light shine.   Take a breath, be still, and contemplate what it means to shine your light as God.  Morning, noon, and night take five to ten minutes to meditate and cultivate the light that is you.



Today’s Body Connection:  Today is the day we connect with the peace of transformation.  When a training session is uncomfortable, we must look for the peace.  When a yoga pose feels unachievable, stop fighting and make peace with it.  When you are only halfway through your cardio workout and you want to give up, embrace the second half with an attitude of Love.  When we make peace with our thoughts, our body will listen.  When we accept the test, we will transcend any and all challenges.

Today’s Meditative Thought: “Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.” — Song Lyrics by Jill Jackson/Mark Miller, 1955

The answer to war is always Love, and it begins with loving yourself.  Once you begin to truly love you, then you are free to love others and that will transform the planet.  We cannot fight war or terrorism with more violence.  This radical transformation requires a new way of operating.  Today, pray for peace and begin to love yourself.  This is the “vibrational” shift that is required.

Today’s Action Plan:  Today, make peace with yourself.  Identify within yourself what it is you are fighting, and make peace with it.  This does not mean to give up and simply accept it; on the contrary, it means to let go of the attachment to a certain outcome, to release the control of how it needs to look. This includes the way you look in your jeans.

Today’s Affirmation:  Just for this moment…just for this breath, I live above the battlefield of conflict and I activate the power of peace within my life.  Amen

Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach

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