Articles Tagged with: affirmation

Friday Body Connection and Affirmation – Remember to Remember

Woman swimming in a poolWhen deciding on a workout or routine, choose workouts that help focus your body connection intentions. If you set the goal to be the best you can be, choose a practice that anchors the intention. The physical should always be in alignment with the mental and spiritual goals. Set the intention to always remember your truth.

Friday Affirmation:  Friday’s are a great day for me as I take a moment to reflect and affirm.

Just for this moment…just for this breath, the qualities of God is my life.  I “remember to remember” my purpose.

Peace and blessings,


Friday Affirmation and Body Connection – Setting Intentions

As we mentioned earlier in the week, January is a natural month for setting new intentions in our lives. This also includes setting intentions for the body. To set this intention you must be willing to declare what condition you are looking to achieve. This transformation does not necessarily have to do with weight, but how you view your body temple. Setting intentions and the quest in transformation begins with setting this goal. Remember this truth: an external shift is temporary but an internal transformation is lasting. This year, focus on setting these internal intentions to embrace your desires. Be open to receiving and recognizing your wholeness, divinity, and self-love.

This week’s Affirmation:  Take a moment out of your schedule and begin with 2-3 deep breathes. Breathe in deeply and then slowly release. On the last one, exhale deeply and imagine yourself pushing the restart in your mind to create a new spiritual journey.

Peace and Blessings

– Skip

Friday Affirmation and Body Connection – Saying Yes

Have you said yes to your health? When we say yes to health and fitness, we say yes to letting our inner light shine. But before we head on out to tackle the sport or gym of our choice, take that time to prepare. Just like you wouldn’t go on a marathon run the first time out or begin a hard workout without a warm-up properly prep.

Prepare your mind and body for the journey of transformation

Prepping your mind is important in your journey of transformation. For example, if you decide that running or walking is your preferred form of exercise, then begin by choosing an area to run or walk that is pleasing to you. Research the different routes and paths you can take even the type of paths, grass, trail, asphalt, track etc…. Plus equip yourself by investing in a good pair of running shoes, and running gear. If yoga is your choice of exercise, get your own yoga mat, towels etc to help you have the best experience possible. If you are looking for a gym, find the place that speaks to you, and ask yourself, can I be here? Does it feel like a community? Not every workout place is the right one for you, so don’t settle. Preparation like a good warm-up means giving yourself the best opportunity to shine and be successful.

Our Affirmation: Just for this moment…just for this breath, Identify yourself with the Light within, and allow it to catch fire and shine bright. And so it is. Amen

Peace and blessings,


Friday Affirmation and Body Connection – The Illuminated Life

We’ll end the week by building on the illuminated life meditation from Monday’s post and look at water as way to connect with your body. Aqua aerobics and swimming are two of the best ways to get in shape. As your body-temple is forced to move through resistance as the water it creates a 360-degree weight room. The body is 60% water, so the natural flow of the pool supports your intention. Today, explore your neighborhood, find your community pool, and go get wet. As we continue to discover this world of health and fitness, we must be willing to try new forms of exercise. As we dance the dance of transformation, our paths give us new ideas to express the light that lives within us.

Our Affirmation: Just for this moment…just for this breath, and repeat; my life is the life of God and I live the life that illuminates this planet. And so it is. Amen

Have a terrific weekend!


Friday Affirmation and Body Connection – Thankfulness

I hope that you all had a terrific Thanksgiving with your loved ones.  For this week’s body connection and affirmation, we’ll begin and end with gratitude and continue to build on the theme from Monday and my Thanksgiving message.

After our hard workout, we can simply be grateful that the workout is over or that we went a little further that we intended to go or be thankful and appreciate that our body is working well enough to workout or that we can afford a trainer or gym membership. What I’m imparting is that there is always something to be grateful for. When we actively appreciate what we have or done, it calms and centers us. When we forget to be thankful, we can be off, not right, and always looking for more.

Today’s Affirmation: Just for this moment…just for this breath, Give thanks and be graceful. Amen

– Skip

Friday Affirmation and Body Connection – The Affirmative

Body Connection

Greetings from Atlanta, where I am presenting at Empower Fitness. This week we covered the action plan of affirmative prayer and with it an understanding that you are one with the source of life. When transforming our body-temple our hopes and desires carry us from point A to point B. During this process one must keep faith that transformation is possible and that your goals are achievable. By keeping hope it reinforces that little spark of light at the forefront of every session. Remember that no matter what your physical goal is; weight-loss, resistance training, yoga advancement, jogging distance, or a marathon— stay with it; you can do it!

This week’s affirmation: Take a moment and reflect that your life is the life of God and that you are one with all Divine qualities. So breathe and reflect these qualities taking a moment and let it be. Amen

Have a terrific weekend!

– Skip

Friday Affirmation and Body Connection – Faith, Hope, Prayer and Gratitude


This week’s Body Connection we continue our focus on this month’s theme of “Faith, Hope, Prayer and Gratitude” via “Practice“. We have all heard the saying, “practice makes perfect.” Now let’s change it around: “perfect makes practice.” What I mean by that is when we understand our divine perfection we free ourselves to do the practice required to sustain that awareness. For the next 30 days commit to a physical practice.

When I move my body I can feel the activation of the spirit of hope. It’s what gives me that energy in class and one that I love to share. Every time we say yes to fitness, everything else becomes a reflection of the practice. Walk, run, dance, weight train, for God’s sake shake it! LOL  It doesn’t matter; get moving and watch your life unfold to greatness.

Today’s Affirmation: Just for this moment…just for this breath, in the mind of God I have no problems or issues. God is bigger than any worries I could have. And so it is. Amen

Have a terrific and blessed weekend!

– Skip

DAILY TRANSFORMATIONAL NUGGETS FOR THE BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT: 31 Days of Setting Intentions – Day 15 “Writing Your Divine Story”

DAILY TRANSFORMATIONAL NUGGETS FOR THE BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT: 31 Days of Setting Intentions – Day 15 “Writing Your Divine Story”

Today’s Body Connection:  What is your divine story about your body?  Is it a body of God, filled with infinite possibilities, or is it weak and limited? You get to decide.  Today, write your legacy: what will you be about?

Today’s Meditative Thought: Set the intention to write your divine story.  So many of us continue to be the author of lack, limitation, and misery, and we call it our life or our story.  That is not our real story; it is only a mistruth we have decided to take on as our identity.  This tale of doom and gloom is not your destiny; it is not your birthright.  You are a spiritual, divine emanation of the Universe able to do all things with the awareness of the Christ Consciousness that lives within you.  Set the intention to rewrite your story.  By releasing your history, there becomes room to receive what God has in store for us; blessings we have yet to see.  When we hold on to the old tapes, there is no room to grow and transform.  Release your story and embrace the glory of God.


Today’s Action Plan:  Today, write your divine story.  Begin to journal; write out the blessings that is your life.  Begin by simply stating the truth: I am love.  That is your true story.


Today’s Affirmation:  Just for this moment…just for this breath, there is only a divine story that is my life.  I am moving, living, and having my being in God; therefore my only story is blessings.  Amen.


Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach


Exercise with Skip online at


For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit:

DAILY TRANSFORMATIONAL NUGGETS FOR THE BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT: 31 Days of Setting Intentions – Day 14 “Knowing Your Abundance”

DAILY TRANSFORMATIONAL NUGGETS FOR THE BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT: 31 Days of Setting Intentions – Day 14 “Knowing Your Abundance”

Today’s Body Connection:  Fitness and health is an abundant state of mind, a consciousness that comes from an awakening from within.  Today, set the intention to walk with the sole purpose of the activation of abundance within your life.  Stretch to know more flexibility and the movement of the spirit.  Do your pushups to experience more in your daily existence.  Your abundance, like your state of health, comes from your consciousness. You are what you think you are.

Today’s Meditative Thought: There is nothing that the Universe withholds from us.  The Universe is always blessing us with more of itself; more love, more abundance, more joy, more peace, more compassion, and more life.  The real key to receiving spiritual gifts is the awareness of their existence. The activity of God is grace, the gift of the Divine itself.  Grace is the awareness that God is in action, is in order, and it is in balance working for our highest good.  There is always an abundance of Grace waiting to be poured upon us, as much as our consciousness will allow.  The blessing can only be received as much as we believe.  We must set the intention to know the abundance of God that is our life.

Today’s Action Plan:  Today, know your abundance.  Take the time to contemplate the plentitude of the Universe.  Think of the unending blessings of God.  That is what you have; that is what you are.

Today’s Affirmation:  Just for this moment…just for this breath, I live a life of unending blessings.  My every move is fueled with grace and all is well.  Amen.

Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach

Exercise with Skip online at

For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit:

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