DAILY TRANSFORMATIONAL NUGGETS FOR THE BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT: 30 Days of Faith, Hope, Prayer, and Gratitude – Day 12 “What Do You Know?”

Today’s Body Connection:  Our workouts will lead to a deep knowing or realization, if we are open to discovery.  The journey of transformation is the path to a deeper knowledge of ourselves.  My favorite question that Oprah has ever asked is, “What do you know for sure?”  Can we truly list all the things we know for sure?  What do you know about your body-temple? What were you created to do?  Do you know your own power and strength? Today, during your workout, contemplate the question, “What do I truly know about my body, mind, and spirit?” Expect the answer to come from within and all will be revealed.

Meditative Thought: Affirmative Prayer Step 4 – Realization:  The realization step is about what you know.  “I know,” are the words that anchor this step.  Remember, a prayer treatment is an affirmative prayer.  It’s not about begging for something; it’s about what you know to be true.  “I know that I am abundant.  I know that my life is full of grace.  I know that all is well in my life.”  By stating these words of truth, we plant the seed allowing the Universe to do its thing.

Today’s Action Plan:  Today, remember your divine qualities by saying, “I know…” and fill in the qualities that are seeking to be activated in you.

Affirmation:  Just for this moment…just for this breath, I know, that I know, that I know!  Amen

Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach

For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit: www.skipjennings.com
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