Articles Tagged with: embracing the shift

Skip’s Weekend Affirmation – Embracing The Shift

Embracing The Shift

I’m currently away at a fitness convention in Orlando this weekend and to say that I’m busy at these wonderful events is an understatement, but the energy of my fellow participants is fabulous.  That said I still find time in the hustle and bustle to find a quiet to meditate and take in an affirmation. This week’s affirmation reflects on the meditation of: Embracing The Shift So find your quiet place to steel away your moment to breath and find that resonance:

Just for this moment…just for this breath, I expect only greatness for my Life, embracing the shift. I humble myself as the Universe continues to teach me. I Love, because Love is all there is. Faith, Humility, and Love is the order of the day. And so it is. Amen,

Have a blessed weekend,


This Week’s Meditative Thought – Embracing the Shift

Embracing the Shift

Who hasn’t been through the difficulties that life presents us? New beginnings always require the act of embracing the shift, embracing the change. Sometimes these changes are are voluntary at other times they feel forced.  As we integrate our awareness into God’s spirit, we are challenged to become new and that act activates new insight into our spiritual growth. Live from a perspective of an openness and a willingness to shift and watch your life expand beyond recognition. Say yes to the shift; say yes to your new beginnings; say yes today.

Your Spiritual Assignment:

This week’s assignment, do everything that will embrace your shift. Whenever you find yourself resisting, surrender to it. The ego does not like change and it will do everything it can to stop it. Be willing to release the resistance and fall into the arms of transformation.

Peace and blessings,


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