Articles Tagged with: fitness

Fitness Tools and Tips: Arm Bands

Fitness ArmBandsResistance bands They take up virtually no space and are extremely portable. Plus they are so much fun to work with. They not only do a terrific job at toning, but help me in my post workout with stretched too. I always throw a few in my travel bag when traveling for a conference or show and they come in cool colors that you can mix and match. Plus you don’t need to travel to enjoy these, they also work extremely well when you need a break from your desk work. Learn more about them here.

– Skip


This Week’s Health & Fitness Tip – The Art of Stretching…

Healthy Living
The Art of Flexibility and Stretching…
It’s important that everyone remembers to stretch and work on their muscles before and after a workout, no matter the intensity. Stretching helps get your muscles the shape that they wish to take and helps them recuperate after a long day. Your body feels so much better after a good stretch.

It’s important that when stretching your body, you stretch each portion of your body anywhere between 10-30 seconds. Any longer and you may hurt yourself, any shorter and you’re not allowing your body to fully stretch.

Pay attention to what your body is saying. Whenever you stretch, workout or do anything that requires movement you need to pay attention to how it feels. Making sure your body is in good working order is important and can make a difference when it comes to injuries and preventing them. Be mindful of the stretch, as Skip always says, and make sure that you’re breathing with your body and paying attention.

Total Woman Gym + Spa Giveaway…

Total Woman is Giving Away 3 Sets of My DVD’s

Check out the Total Woman Gym & Spa official Facebook page for their latest posts this week and next for your chance to win a set of my “Yoga Zen Elevation ” and “Cardio Zen Elevation ” DVD’s. Winners will be announced via their pages in two weeks time. #SkipJennings #YogaZen #CardioZen

You can also check out the gym here at

This Week’s Health and Fitness Tip – Ginger, Rosemary and Stretch…

The Shift’s Health & Fitness Tips

Try Some Ginger: 
The volatile oils in ginger have long made it a useful herbal remedy for nasal and chest congestion. Pour 2 cups of boiling water over a 1-inch piece of peeled, grated ginger; steep for 10 minutes; and strain.
Add a pinch or two of cayenne pepper to the water and drink as needed.

Sniff Rosemary:
According to some research, catching a whiff of this aromatic herb may increase alertness and improve memory. To stay sharp, try smelling fresh rosemary or inhaling the scent of rosemary essential oil before a test or meeting.

Stretch Often: 
If your back is in pain constantly, try and work on morning stretches or little cat stretches throughout the day. We love little stretches since they help align your  back and ease the pain off of your muscles when you’ve been in one position all day.

Find a Workout That Works for You:
No matter what you want to try, whether it’s Piloxing, Yoga, Pilates, Kick Boxing or Running, there’s something for everyone. We’re not all going to love jogging or cycling, but we do have to learn to love to move. When you get moving there are so many amazing things that happen: your mood is better, your eating habits change and your life begins to fall into place when you feel good. Don’t take this lightly, everything can change if you allow it.

Music – PowerMix Cardio Zen

skipjenningspm_cardiozenelevation-180My Cardio Zen Elevation Music Mix is the prefect blend of music for mixing up HIIT and Stretch Intervals. The high energy music will take you on a journey, designed to get your heart-rate up, but also giving the perfect time to rest and recover in the Zen Zone! Click here to sample the tracks or buy.  Let me know what you think!

Peace and Blessings,

– Skip

 Looking for something that works with yoga? Try my Yoga-Zen-Elevation  Powermix


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