Articles Tagged with: Friday Affirmations

Affirmation Friday – Gratitude is the Attitude!

_DSC0511This week marks a special week as I celebrated my 50th Birthday. At first I was going to go low-key until my momma called late last week and convinced me otherwise. In her wisdom she said it’s a big one, go have fun. Wise words. And so, here I am….celebrating life. I want to give out a very, very, big shout out to all of you who have sent their best wishes, love, kind words and celebrations with cake. You all are the reason I do what I do and I am truly blessed for the support you have bestowed upon me through and through. I’m looking forward to a terrific next-halve of my life adventure. Whose’s coming with me boo?

– Skip

Friday Affirmation – Healing to Revelation

As we end this work week with our Friday affirmation, let’s recall the theme of “Healing to Revelation” from this week’s meditation and  journal. Let’s begin: I am one with the Cosmos; therefore full of Abundance and Joy. I am one with the Universe; therefore my life is Whole and Complete. I am one with God; therefore my life is full of Divine Love and Compassion. And so it is. Amen

– Skip

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