Articles Tagged with: journaling

This Week’s Meditative Thought – Defining and Empowering Yourself

Summer is in full swing and this month we celebrate the birthday of our country, which empowered it to stand on it’s own against the major powers of the world. Personal empowerment refers to the increasing of your spiritual, political, social, educational, gender, or economic strength. Like our nation did over 239 years ago it is time to decide what empowers your existence. What is defining and empowering you? What motivates you to truly reach for the stars? Whatever gives you the feeling of power and strength, it is time to connect with it and make it yours. Fuel your every move with true power; divine power.  We must learn to connect with this source and allow it to define our existence. Empowerment comes from knowing this divine presence intimately.

This Week’s Spiritual Assignment:

All this week, set aside time to define what an empowered life looks like for you. In your journal, create a definition of empowerment and make a list of every aspect of your life that is empowering and/or needs to be empowered. Remember, all true power up-levels your existence and it comes from God. Connect with Source that lives within you; it’s the only power you need.

This Week’s Meditative Thought–Moments of Divine Love

Spirit Island on Maligne Lake, Jasper National Park-Spirit Island , Alberta, CanadaYou’ve heard the adage, to be a winner you must put your mind in a winners perspective. In the same vein, every moment of our lives is devine if we open our minds into seeing them as so.

Recognize and Grasp Divine Love

There are times that the Universe appears to us with extraordinary clarity of Divine Love. Recognize and grasp these moments and savory them deliciously. It is important that we take the time to recognize those gems moments when our hearts, minds and eyes are wide open and our hearts are ready to receive, God will always make itself known.

This Week’s Spiritual Assignment

This week I challenge you to take time and journal about ‘Divine Moments’ that have altered your life. Write about the experiences and how they changed you forever. Take your time and be still, meditate, and allow the memories to come to you.

Peace and blessings,


Wednesday Spiritual Journal Assignment – Summer of 2014

© M B / Attribution-ShareAlikeSummer is still blazing, but we’re nearing the end which means we bring into mind our plans for the fall. We think about all the wonderful times that we’ve had with family and friends, the goals we met, new relationships we’ve created and what is to come. Each season comes and goes with grace, elegance and poise–as we should.

Summer blossoms and brings with it the tastes of new beginnings, with its closing we nurture those beginnings and tend to them all year long. I invite you to journal with me and remember all those wonderful things that you had the chance to experience and with whom. Take a moment to think of all that you are grateful for this summer. Think of all that you have accomplished. Now, live in that present moment of gratitude and joy. Remember what this feels like, being surrounded by joy–here you’ll find peace. 

– Skip

Share your gratitude journal tips with me on Twitter @SkipJennings

Today’s Journaling Question – Mindful Eating

Today’s journaling is an extension of this week’s radio show topic on Mindful Eating with my guest, author Margaret Marshall. I have three questions that will revolve around the topic of mindful eating.

1. Are you mindful of what you are eating? Do you know what you put in your body effects the way you live. Are you aware of how a candy bar or piece of fruit affects your body?

2. What can you do shift the way you are eating today? Change your routine, smaller portions, exercise?

3. What does food mean to you? is it nourishing your body temple, a way of celebration, dealing with your stress? Why do you eat?

Get honest with yourself. Remember that journaling is not about sharing, but for yourself.

– Skip

Journaling with the Gratitude Journal App for iPhone

Journal App
Gratitude Journal App for iPhone

Everything that is good and loving in my life is by writing in my journal every single day. I always say that journaling is honesty transferred from pen to paper. For those of you who think, I don’t have the time for something like that, I’m just too busy. Make the time.

We need to stop our lives every once in a while and thank God for everything that we have and everything that we will have. I don’t just mean material things in your life, but dig a little deeper than that. Think about love and family. Think about opportunities and all of the times you’ve been lucky.

I found this awesome new app for my iPhone that’s great for people with limited time to journal. The Gratitude Journal App allows you to write a little something each day, no matter how long, wherever you are. You can check it out here.

Do you already journal? If you do, share your methods and planning with me on Twitter @ShiftWithSkip #gratitude.

– Skip

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