Articles Tagged with: joy

Friday Body Connection and Affirmation – Joy

Skip Jennings AffirmationMeditating on Joy and setting intentions on what brings us joy has been our theme this week. When we connect with God within, we connect with the divine qualities of the Holy Spirit. Fun workouts are the best and most often filled with joy. When we choose to exercise in the enjoyable realm or happy vibrational field, we stick with it.

During a workout, be willing to experience the quality of joy as you run, walk, or jog. Let your heart be glad when you do your strength training and be in a state of joy always when you enter your yoga classes. The vibration you choose in the beginning will be the fuel and energy that lifts your practice. This is were mind overcomes matter.

This week’s affirmation:  Just for this moment…just for this breath, repeat to yourself that you are joy rising and  live a life filled with blessings.  Amen.

– Skip

This Week’s Meditative Thought – Joy

joyThis entire week let’s meditate on setting the intention to do what brings us joy. When we connect with God within, we connect with the divine qualities of the Holy Spirit. Joy is the highest form of energetic vibrations. One spiritual practice is to always find the joy within our lives.  All of our master teachers encourage us to be in the joy always. No matter what you are going through, find your joy. Delight in the realization that you are an unique expression of the Universe. Rejoice and allow your light to shine.  When we understand who and what we are, it becomes easy to find our Joy.  No matter what, we are always in God; therefore we can always activate Joy.  Set the intention to remember you are joy, and it is waiting to rise up.

This week’s “Joy” action plan let’s focus all this week on doing what brings you joy.  Take time to meditate and to identify what brings you divine happiness, then go and do it!


Peace and Blessings,


Happy Holidays Message

This time of the year is one of my favorites as it encompasses the sacred holidays of light; “Hanukkah, Christmas and Kwanzaa”. It’s during these holidays that I encourage you to reflect your inner light to illuminate a world that appears to be shrouded in darkness. With the news seeming filled with dark events let’s embrace with an open heart the elements of the Devine Light of the universes such as: joy, compassion, power, abundance, grace, and prosperity.

This Divine Light lives within all of us and is an illuminating presence that is felt deep within an open heart. This Light was here at the beginning of all time and is with us throughout our lives. Let us tap this Light and share the Love, Joy, Compassion, Oneness, Abundance, and Grace in every situation in our lives. When we surrender to its existence, we will have a purpose, a calling, and our existence can have meaning. During this time remember the reason for the season. Go out and shine your Light.

Wishing you and all your love ones a very festive and happy holidays.


 – Skip



Today’s Body Connection:  Remember, when we connect with our body we connect with the Joy of the Universe.  There is nothing more enjoyable than feeling healthy.  There is nothing in the world that can take away the elation that we experience when energized by fitness.  We try using shopping, sex, alcohol, and drugs to achieve the experience of feeling wholeness, but the truth is, it is an inside job that can only be achieved by the practice.  As you dive into your workouts, allow your energy and your vibration to fill that place that appears empty.  Connect with the Joy of working out.  Find the space of gratitude; connect with your inner being.

Meditative Thought:  Joy is an energy that can overcome any disappointment.  “The Joy of the lord is my strength” is a scripture of hope.  You can endure anything just by looking for the Joy.  If you are having trouble activating it, ask God to show you the Joy, have faith, and just hold on.   “Weeping may endure for a night, but Joy comes in the morning.”

Today’s Action Plan:  Today, remember that Joy is not based on circumstance; it is an absolute divine quality that is always available in any situation.  As you train you body temple, find one thing that works in your life.  Connect with the feeling of joy and gratitude than remove that thing and just be in the Joy energy.  For the rest of your day, mindfully activate Joy everywhere you go.



Today’s Affirmation:  Just for this moment…just for this breath, I remember to hold on, let go, and let God.  I am Joy expressing itself.  Amen




Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach
For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit:

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