Articles Tagged with: lessons

Friday Affirmation and Body Connection – Lessons

We end our week building on the meditation of Lessons from Monday. This week we close the theme with an Affirmation and body connection revolving around lessons. Begin by finding a place, settle your mind. Let’s begin by breathing and remembering to awaken and to live to your highest potential. Embrace the lessons of life and stand strong and in spiritual authority. Amen

Today’s Body Connection: Remember, when you exercise, what is your mindset? Do you find your workouts challenging, hard to enjoy and tedious or are they fun, enjoyable, and filled with insights? I invite you to see each training session as a time for mental and spiritual growth. Every workout is a lesson of your personal strength and power. When you finish your session, celebrate the achievement. Your completion is a testament to how amazing you truly are.   Every time you finish another mile, or the last repetition in the set, or the final crunch, that is the perfect time to let out a big, fat yes. Today, you have accomplished your intention to be better, stronger, and more of you. And that is one of the greatest lessons we can ever learn.





The Body Connection:  Remember, when you exercise, what is your mindset?  Do you find your workouts challenging, hard to enjoy and tedious or are they fun, enjoyable, and filled with insights?  I invite you to see each training session as a time for mental and spiritual growth.  Every workout is a lesson of your personal strength and power.  When you finish your session, celebrate the achievement.  Your completion is a testament to how amazing you truly are.   Every time you finish another mile, or the last repetition in the set, or the final crunch, that is the perfect time to let out a big, fat yes.  Today, you have accomplished your intention to be better, stronger, and more of you. And that is one of the greatest lesson that we can ever learn.

Meditative Thought:  These lessons we have said yes to allow us to be more and to share more of God.  Each challenge is the invitation to surrender to the Divine that lives within us.  Instead of asking God why, we should say, “bring it on.”  After the fire, we will emerge as Gold.

Today’s Action Plan:  Today, remember that life is a series of opportunities to awaken and activate our true, authentic selves.  When you are faced with a challenge, be grateful and say thanks for the opportunity to grow.

Affirmation:  Just for this moment…just for this breath, I remember to awaken and to live to my highest potential.  I embrace the lessons of life and I stand strong and in my spiritual authority. Amen

Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach
For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit:

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