DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS: 31 Days of Empowerment – Day 14 “Faith Empowers Your Vision”
DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS: 31 Days of Empowerment – Day 14 “Faith Empowers Your Vision”
Meditative Thought: “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, and the evidence of things unseen.” – Hebrews 11:1. We might not always see the vision or our intentions unfolding in front of us, but we must keep the faith that it is happening. Remembering to keeping the faith active is the ultimate empowerment. All things are possible if you only believe. Believing is the knowing that your life is unfolding perfectly, and that you are here for a reason. Your life’s purpose is to share your gifts with this planet and faith gives your vision power. Today, know that you have purpose because you are alive; therefore faith is the key that activates your every move.
Today’s Spiritual Assignment: Today is the day of faith building. Remind yourself, every chance you get, that you have purpose. Remind yourself that your life is a purposeful life because you exist. God makes no junk; therefore you have purpose. Live your life as if your intention is done.
Affirmation: Just for this moment… just for this breath, I give birth to my greatest yet to be seen. And so it is.
Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach
For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit: www.skipjennings.com
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