DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS: 29 Days of Love – Day 19 “Love and Joy”
DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS: 29 Days of Love – Day 19 “Love and Joy”
Meditative Thought: Love and Joy is a divine quality that is our natural state of being. These qualities or attributes of our higher self is within all of us; we only need to remember. When we choose to activate Joy, there must also be an action. It could be meditation, prayer, a walk, or turning on the stereo and dancing. When we choose to experience joy and love, the activity we chose is on the activator, the stimulator of the energy that is our real self. We are Love; therefore we can love. We are Joy; therefore what can always bring Joy.
Your Spiritual Assignment: Today, create a poem about what evokes the emotion of happiness. Anything and everything activate Joy within us; just look with the eyes of God, be open to a divine experience, and have faith that Spirit is unfolding right now.
Affirmations: Just for this moment…just for this breath, peace is what I am and peace is what I live. Joy is what I am and Joy is what I share. Happiness is what I am and happiness is what I receive. I am truly happy. I am truly Love. I truly live in joy. And so it is. Amen.
Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach
For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit: www.skipjennings.com