Articles Tagged with: Meditative Thoughts

This Week’s Meditative Thought – Creating Open Spaces

Huaraz, Peru

Last week we tackled setting intentions. This week let’s build upon this theme by opening our consciousness and creating a space to grow.  To begin we must be willing to release our old ideas so that we may have new experiences on our spiritual walk.  Our intentions set into motion the clearing away of old paradigms that no longer serve us.  It is the open space that gives us breathing room so that new and powerful transformative work can take place.  When we set the intention to be more, there must be a willingness to ask the question, “What must I release? What must I become?”  The intention to transform is the intention to become more. 

This week’s Action Plan: Today, set aside everything you think you know about your journey so that you are open and free to have a new and fresh experience in God.  Use the “set aside prayer”;

“May I set aside everything I think I know about ____ (fill in the blank) so that I may have a new experience.”  Be willing to release everything that no longer serves you.  Create a space for transformation.



– Skip



Photo: Huaraz, Peru, Mauricio Osorio

Meditative Thought – Release and Let Go

© M B / Attribution-ShareAlikeFor today’s Meditative though, I am reminded by a lyric from one of my favorite Rickie Byars and Rev Michael Beckwith songs, “I Release and I Let Go”. These lyrics remind me that I need to free myself on a daily basis, sometimes even moment-to-moment, breath-to-breath. 

It also reminds me that we are here for God, to be God as us. When we surrender and allow the Universe to unfold in our lives, as our lives, miracles happen.  Releasing our attachment to anything but God is breaking the chains of slavery.  Ask yourself, “Am I free from things that keep me in bondage, things that do not serve me any longer?” Do sex, food, drugs, alcohol, relationships, and other external vices control you? Are you free from self-sabotage, self-loathing, self-hatred?

The truth is, the Spirit can never be enslaved, hurt, damaged, or changed. The essence of God, which lives within us, is the power that frees us. Today, go within and celebrate the freedom of your Spirit. Know that you are always free in your consciousness. Freedom is a state of mind.  Active your new freedom from people, places, and things and know that the only union that is required is your union with your higher self. 

Monday Meditative Thought – Embrace The Challenges

This week we tackle head-on challenges before us. When life seems to give us hiccups and U-turns, we blame our circumstances, placing us into a victim mode. We even blame ourselves for allowing the situation to take place.  We can be our greatest critics during our most crucial periods. During these challenging times, learn to love yourself deeply. These moments of what appears to be a test from the universe, is only a time of faith building.  These are the times God invites us to turn inward and allow God to do its thing.  

I have found that these are the times I need to be extra loving. I must love myself through the hard times. During your dark night, I invite you to fall in love with yourself again. Date yourself again. Treat yourself like a new love interest filled with passion and desire. Love is the only thing that shifts your vibration.


Monday Meditative Thought – Healing to Revelation

This week we focus on one of the definitions of humility which is to be teachable. 

Sometimes through sickness, heartache, and pain, true transformation happens.  In my experience, some of my greatest revelations have appeared to me when I was experiencing some type of ‘dis-ease.’  The times I laid in bed, body feeling weak, with a slight fever, I could have asked, “God why me?” But I have learned to ask, “What is it you want me to learn from this experience?”  From that point, other questions can be asked, “What’s to be revealed during this time?”  What am I willing to release during this experience?  As Earnest Holmes has written, “There is nothing to heal, only to reveal.”  Our approach to our challenges is key; if we are willing and open to new Ah-Hah moments to take place, they will.  My mother always says, “What doesn’t kill us make us stronger.”  That is only true if we invite revelations through our healings.  And then we can truly know the meaning of “nothing to heal only to insight to be revealed.” 



Today’s Body Connection:  Today is the day we connect with the peace of transformation.  When a training session is uncomfortable, we must look for the peace.  When a yoga pose feels unachievable, stop fighting and make peace with it.  When you are only halfway through your cardio workout and you want to give up, embrace the second half with an attitude of Love.  When we make peace with our thoughts, our body will listen.  When we accept the test, we will transcend any and all challenges.

Today’s Meditative Thought: “Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.” — Song Lyrics by Jill Jackson/Mark Miller, 1955

The answer to war is always Love, and it begins with loving yourself.  Once you begin to truly love you, then you are free to love others and that will transform the planet.  We cannot fight war or terrorism with more violence.  This radical transformation requires a new way of operating.  Today, pray for peace and begin to love yourself.  This is the “vibrational” shift that is required.

Today’s Action Plan:  Today, make peace with yourself.  Identify within yourself what it is you are fighting, and make peace with it.  This does not mean to give up and simply accept it; on the contrary, it means to let go of the attachment to a certain outcome, to release the control of how it needs to look. This includes the way you look in your jeans.

Today’s Affirmation:  Just for this moment…just for this breath, I live above the battlefield of conflict and I activate the power of peace within my life.  Amen

Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach

For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit:

Get your copy of “Spirit Explosion”



Today’s Body Connection:  All physical practices are design for the renewing of the mind.  If we are open to new insights, they will come.  Cardiovascular exercises remind us that we are breathing. Strength training anchors a strong body.  And Yoga helps our flexibility in life.  Today, as we train the body, make the decision to renew and restore your thinking by aligning what you do with what you think.

Today’s Meditative Thought: “And be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is the good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God.” — Romans 12:2

True transformation is shifting the way we think.  We must renew our consciousness with the practice of meditation, affirmation, and prayer.  It is our thoughts that get in the way of truly knowing our oneness with the divine.

Today’s Action Plan:  Today, be still and quiet in your thoughts so that you may hear God.  Begin to renew your mind within the “upper room” of your soul.  This is an active practice of connecting what you are doing with what you are thinking and feeling.

Today’s Affirmation:  Just for this moment… just for this breath, I renew my mind, body, and spirit with the Love of God.  I infuse my existence with God and I am a blessing for this planet.

Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach

For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit:

Get your copy of “Spirit Explosion”

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