Articles Tagged with: Mondays

Monday Meditative Thought – Healing to Revelation

This week we focus on one of the definitions of humility which is to be teachable. 

Sometimes through sickness, heartache, and pain, true transformation happens.  In my experience, some of my greatest revelations have appeared to me when I was experiencing some type of ‘dis-ease.’  The times I laid in bed, body feeling weak, with a slight fever, I could have asked, “God why me?” But I have learned to ask, “What is it you want me to learn from this experience?”  From that point, other questions can be asked, “What’s to be revealed during this time?”  What am I willing to release during this experience?  As Earnest Holmes has written, “There is nothing to heal, only to reveal.”  Our approach to our challenges is key; if we are willing and open to new Ah-Hah moments to take place, they will.  My mother always says, “What doesn’t kill us make us stronger.”  That is only true if we invite revelations through our healings.  And then we can truly know the meaning of “nothing to heal only to insight to be revealed.” 

Monday Meditative Thought – Something New To Learn

Monday’s Meditative Thought:

As we start our week, I would like to focus on one of the definitions of humility which is to be teachable. When we remain humble, the Universe will teach us everything we need to know. In every situation we can expand our consciousness and awaken divine knowledge that is within us.  As a spiritual counselor, it is fulfilling to help someone activate personal growth. But the truth is we all have our own guides within ourselves.   Your greatest teacher is you. When we do the spiritual work of meditation, prayer, study, fellowship, and service, we strengthen our relationship with God, which opens our teachable space.  The knowledge of the Universe is within; it just needs to be cultivated.  Any decision or question that needs an answer has a direct connection to your personal guide. It’s like having your own “Bat Phone.” Have faith in your own revelations. Trust that the Universe within you speaks words of guidance and love.  Stay open and set the intention to learn something new everyday.

Monday Meditative Thought – Pushing Restart

Monday Meditative Thought: I hope that everyone had a little rest and relaxation over Mother’s Day weekend. Sometimes, especially at the beginning of a week we just need to push restart. On those days the activities of our life can be so challenging that it feels like a downward spiral. These are the times we get to do what I call a “spiritual do-over.” We can always push the restart button and begin again.  When we are faced with difficulty, we can go to the secret place within our hearts and simply breathe. By stopping and taking a moment to be still, we will find the peace that seems to elude us. Our restart always begins by turning to God.  By pushing the restart button we will know inner peace and serenity and our day will be brand new.

Monday Meditative Thought – Celebrating a New Communication

Monday Meditative Thought: If we believe that God is everywhere active, then God is present and active within ourselves.
So many times we forget that simple sacred principle. The Omni presence of the Universe means that there is nowhere that God is not. When we become aware of this truth, we begin to see with our third eye, our spiritual eye, and we move with a new focus. Remembering that God is always active changes our language. We will change how we talk to others and to ourselves. A question that keeps us aligned and awake is, “Would I talk about God that way?”  When we are in conversation with someone or even talking to ourselves, check in with the language and how we choose to communicate. Remember that God is always listening.

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