Articles Tagged with: npr

Story Corps Wednesdays – Appreciating A Special Teacher

The Shift With Skip Radio is currently on break. While on hiatus, I wanted to share segments from StoryCorp A non-profit whose mission to record, preserve, and share the stories of Americans from all backgrounds and beliefs. I hope that you find joy in these unique stories of the people that make up our great nation.

Better yet, record your own StoryCorp via the StoryCorp app and submit the link and I’ll post it!

This week: Former Student Dropped Out, But Still Appreciates A Special Teacher

Today’s story started at Manual Arts High School in Los Angeles. In 2007, Roger Alvarez was a student there. That year the school’s graduation rate was just 42 percent and Roger was one of the students who did not make it through his senior year.  Roger sat down with his former English teacher, Antero Garcia. It was the first time they’d seen each other since Roger quit school.

Story Corp Wednesdays – Honoring an elder

The Shift With Skip Radio is currently on break. While on hiatus, I wanted to share segments from StoryCorp. A non-profit whose mission to record, preserve, and share the stories of Americans from all backgrounds and beliefs. I hope that you find joy in these unique stories of the people that make up our great nation.

Better yet, record your own StoryCorp via the StoryCorp app and submit the link and I’ll post it!

This week: Honoring an Elder

32-year-old Santiago Arredondo grew up in Southern California, where he learned his strong work ethic from his family. He and his wife Aimee get inside the Story Corp Recording Booth, to honor the most influential person in his life – his grandfather, Jose Guadalupe Enrique Sanchez.

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