Articles Tagged with: Nuggets

DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS: 31 Days of Self-Awareness – Day 22 “Recover And Catch Your Breath”

DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS:  31 Days of Self-Awareness – Day 22 “Recover And Catch Your Breath”

Meditative Thought: During aerobic classes, we have a cue, “recover,” which simply means to catch your breath. After an extended time at a target heart rate, the body needs to rejuvenate. It is the same with your spirit. After long periods of spiritual work, study, service, meditation, and prayer, the spirit needs to recover.  There comes a time when we simply need to live everything we have studied.  We need to create room within our head, dumping the stuff that does not serve us and becoming all that resonates with our spirit.  Allow yourself time to just be still and enjoy the awareness. But remember, a true recovery can only come after intense work.

Your Spiritual Assignment:  Today, catch your breath.  Do a breathing meditation.  Sit and be still and be aware of the breath moving in and out of your lungs.

Affirmation:  Just for this moment…just for this breath, I am grateful that I am awake and aware. I recover in the blanket of Grace. I allow God to rejuvenate my soul. Amen

Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach
For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit:

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DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS: 31 Days of Self-Awareness – Day 20 “Spiritual Spa Day”

DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS:  31 Days of Self-Awareness – Day 20 “Spiritual Spa Day”

Meditative Thought: With the craziness of life, a day off devoted to God is a must.  We must find the time to revitalize, rejuvenate, and restore our mind, body, and spirit.  Time to revive yourself with a ”spiritual spa day.“ Take a walk in nature, meditate outside, take a day our two and go away. Retreat to a place where there is only you and God. Allow new revelations to flow through you. Invite the unfolding of God to take place in your life. Fall in love with God again. It will shift your life.

Your Spiritual Assignment:  Today, take the time to just be with God.

Affirmation:  Just for this moment…just for this breath, my life is dedicated to the unfolding of The Universe upon my soul. I revel in a deep love affair with Spirit. I allow the richness of God to flow. My sacred, quiet place is the garden of my soul. Amen

Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach
For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit:

Get your copy of “Spirit Explosion”


DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS: 31 Days of Self-Awareness – Day 20 “Spiritual Spa Day”

DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS:  31 Days of Self-Awareness – Day 20 “Spiritual Spa Day”

Meditative Thought: With the craziness of life, a day off devoted to God is a must.  We must find the time to revitalize, rejuvenate, and restore our mind, body, and spirit.  Time to revive yourself with a ”spiritual spa day.“ Take a walk in nature, meditate outside, take a day our two and go away. Retreat to a place where there is only you and God. Allow new revelations to flow through you. Invite the unfolding of God to take place in your life. Fall in love with God again. It will shift your life.

Your Spiritual Assignment:  Today, take the time to just be with God.

Affirmation:  Just for this moment…just for this breath, my life is dedicated to the unfolding of The Universe upon my soul. I revel in a deep love affair with Spirit. I allow the richness of God to flow. My sacred, quiet place is the garden of my soul. Amen

Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach
For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit:

Get your copy of “Spirit Explosion”

DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS: 31 Days of Self-Awareness – Day 19 “A Meaningful Life”

DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS:  31 Days of Self-Awareness – Day 19 “A Meaningful Life”

Meditative Thought:  We all have the same desire: to be heard and to live a life with meaning.  When we connect with a deeper love within our soul, we understand that there is more to life than cars, houses, money, and status.  Challenges arise when we choose to place material things in front of our spiritual unfoldment.  Your struggle to make your life meaningful will end the moment you rest in God. Turn your life and the care of your life over to God. It will never fail you. You can find rest, a peace beyond all understanding. Relinquish the fight; allow God to do the God thing.

Your Spiritual Assignment:  Today, go beyond the material and connect with the “real.”  Place God in front of your possessions.  Know that it is God that has supplied everything you have.  Actively seek the kingdom of God first, and see all things come to life from that space.

Affirmation:  Just for this moment…just for this breath, I celebrate the victory over the struggle. I stand in the awareness of the great power of the Universe. I rest in God, knowing that all things are working for my good. Amen

Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach
For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit:

Get your copy of “Spirit Explosion”

DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS: 31 Days of Self-Awareness – Day 18 “Revitalize Your Life”

DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS:  31 Days of Self-Awareness – Day 18 “Revitalize Your Life”

Meditative Thought: To revitalize is to give new life, or to give new vitality to something.  With all that is going on it appears that time is moving faster.  Our to-do list has gotten longer and we have so many more distractions in our lives.  It is time to revitalize your relationship with God, the only thing that is constant. Our life comes from your “source,” which is the Universe. Take the time to reconnect with Spirit; replenish your fuel. Re-energize yourself through prayer, meditation, service, and stillness. How long can you run on empty? Time to revitalize yourself.

Your Spiritual Assignment:  Today, revitalize yourself with time.  Take the time to be still with God.  I am asking you to mediate, be still, and know your breath.  Be still and know your divine self.  Be still and know that you are in the midst of the vortex of life.

Affirmation:  Just for this moment…just for this breath, I revitalize my awareness of God. And so it is. Amen


Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach
For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit:

Get your copy of “Spirit Explosion”

DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS: 31 Days of Self-Awareness – Day 17 “Renew Your Dreams”

DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS:  31 Days of Self-Awareness – Day 17 “Renew Your Dreams”

Meditative Thought: The definition of “renew” is to bring into being again; to re-establish; to become new again; to start over. During these days of transition, what is seeking to be renewed in your life? What dreams have you put on the back burner so that others may fulfill their goals? What desires have you talked yourself out of? “Not yet.” “Not good enough.” “I don’t have the time!” Renew your dreams. Reactivate your intentions that just wont let you go.  You can’t circle one day on the calendar.  Today is the day.

Your Spiritual Assignment:  Today, renew your intentions.  Take them off the back burn and rekindle the need to see them made manifest.  The time is now!


Affirmation:  Just for this moment…just for this breath, I renew all my intention with the breath of God.  Amen.


Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach
For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit:

Get your copy of “Spirit Explosion”

DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS: 31 Days of Self-Awareness – Day 16 “Divine Wisdom”

DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS:  31 Days of Self-Awareness – Day 16 “Divine Wisdom”

Meditative Thought: The more I study about God the more I realize how much my intellectual mind does not know. This place of not knowing drives me to want to study more.  In Metaphysics, we call this “The Beginner’s Mind.” But what I do know is that there is an all-powerful energy that governs my existence. Some call it God, Love, Mother–Father, The Universe, The Law; whatever you call it, it is the same. God is an energy that is everywhere present, all knowing, and always active. This God energy has several qualities that help us to identify and recognize when it is being expressed. These qualities or attributes are: Love, Wholeness, Perfection, Oneness, Unity, Divine Intelligence, Order and Balance, Freedom, Abundance, Creativity, Compassion, Power, Grace, Peace, Harmony, and Joy.  This recognition comes from a space deep within our souls where all things are revealed.  Within our spirit, we know God and we are filled with divine wisdom.

Your Spiritual Assignment:  Today, be open to seeing God qualities within your life.  When you see compassion, call it out, “That’s Compassion.”  When you feel Joy, dance because you know what you are feeling.  When we can identify it we will begin to see it more often.

Affirmation:  Just for this moment…just for this breath, I am a tool for the activation of God qualities on this planet. The Universe is everywhere active within my life. Mother-Father-God energizes my thoughts and my actions. I stand in a field of thanksgiving and gratitude. And so it is. Amen

Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach
For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit:

Get your copy of “Spirit Explosion”

DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS: 31 Days of Self-Awareness – Day 14 “Love Is”

DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS:  31 Days of Self-Awareness – Day 14 “Love Is”

Meditative Thought: The power of love is the greatest power of all. God is love; therefore God power is Love power. Love has the power to change any situation. Love has the power to shift a hostile living situation into the most peaceful experience you can have. Love is everywhere present and always available. Love is the energy that creates and heals. Love is the power that is within us. We always have the choice to Love.

Your Spiritual Assignment:  Today, recognize Love in action, or God in action.  See it and acknowledge it for what it is.  Be aware of your feeling tone whenever you see this miracle taking place.

Affirmation:  Just for this moment…just for this breath, the power of Love and Compassion energizes my life. I am one with unending Joy, which anchors me. Divine Grace works for me, through me, and as me. And so, I let it be. Amen

Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach
For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit:

Get your copy of “Spirit Explosion”

DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS: 31 Days of Self-Awareness – Day 13 “When We Love”

DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS:  31 Days of Self-Awareness – Day 13 “When We Love”

Meditative Thought: Love is more than a happy feeling you get when thinking about someone, although that is one aspect. Love is everything. Love is the only thing that really exists. Everything else is ego, operating in fear. God is love; therefore Love is always present. Love is an all-powerful energy that creates life. Love is the essence that transforms our hearts. Love is an amazing healing force that continues to expand and grow, creating new infinite ideas from itself. Love is an action. Love is an expression of the Universe. When you Love, you share God’s gifts. A question that can be asked in every situation is, “How can I share more love today?” Love is you! Love is me! Love is we! Love! Love! Love!

Your Spiritual Assignment:  Today, contemplate what love means to you, then I invite you to go deeper.  Ask your high power what is the true meaning of love.  See what comes up.

Affirmation:  Just for this moment…just for this breath, I allow Love to rule my life. The expansive energy of Love fills my soul. I fly on the wings of Love and soar to new heights. I am anchored in God’s Love and my life is good. And so it is. Amen

Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach
For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit:

Get your copy of “Spirit Explosion”

DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS: 31 Days of Self-Awareness – Day 12 “Intentions Made Flesh”

DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS:  31 Days of Self-Awareness – Day 12 “Intentions Made Flesh”

Meditative Thought: This time in our lives is about discovering divine truth, spiritual principles, and transforming into the spiritual practitioners that the Universe wants us to be. Whenever we say yes to a deeper transformation, the Universe presents a practical application to anchor the shift. Whenever you say yes to change, be prepared to see it in action.  Fear not my friends; this is a time to grow and we can only grow when the intention becomes real.  We can say we want to love, but until we are challenged to love in difficult situations, can we really understand Love?  Embrace the practical application and understand that it is designed to make us stronger.

Your Spiritual Assignment:  Today, journal about how your intentions have manifested.  Write a list that anchors your transformation. It is important for you to see your growth.

Affirmation:  Just for this moment…just for this breath, God is all there is, everywhere present, and knows all things. I am the light that brings transformation to the planet. I say yes to the expansion of the Universe within my life. And so it is. Amen

Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach
For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit:

Get your copy of “Spirit Explosion”

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