Articles Tagged with: Nuggets

DAILY TRANSFORMATIONAL NUGGETS FOR THE BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT: 30 Days of Faith, Hope, Prayer, and Gratitude – Day 5 “Higher Communication”

DAILY TRANSFORMATIONAL NUGGETS FOR THE BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT: 30 Days of Faith, Hope, Prayer, and Gratitude – Day 5 “Higher Communication”

Today’s Body Connection:  What is the body?  This is the question that we must answer and remember on a daily basis.  The body is a temple for your spirit.  We must come to the realization that we are more than just bones and muscles and that our purpose expands far beyond what we can see.  When we truly know who and what we are, transformation becomes a priority.  We must take care of our body-temple so that we may do the work that we have said yes to.  The practice of good stewardship of this gift called life is a sacred act; let’s not take it lightly.



Meditative Thought: When is a good time for prayer?  Prayer is our communication with our inner spirit, our time with God.  Prayer is our anchor in the rocky sea of life.  Our spiritual work should be centered on praying without ceasing.  It’s not easy, but it will expand or consciousness.  Because we are one with the Universe we have a choice about how we approach every situation.  We can show up as the Divine, and speak the words that affirm that connection.  Remember, you are God speaking to God, words from God, to God.  It’s about your awareness.  Every moment can be a moment of constant communication with Spirit.


Today’s Action Plan:  Today, let’s be mindful of what we say, how we say it, and to whom we are saying it.  Be in constant prayer.  Speak words that uplift vibrations.  Take the time to meditate on your experience.  See what new insights arise for you.

Affirmation:  Just for this moment…just for this breath, I speak only words that uplift my mind, body, and spirit.  And so it is.

Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach
For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit:

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DAILY TRANSFORMATIONAL NUGGETS FOR THE BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT: 30 Days of Faith, Hope, Prayer, and Gratitude – Day 3 “Affirmative Language in Use”

DAILY TRANSFORMATIONAL NUGGETS FOR THE BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT: 30 Days of Faith, Hope, Prayer, and Gratitude – Day 3 “Affirmative Language in Use”

Today’s Body Connection:  When you work out, what is the language you use?  What words fuel your workout?  “Yes I can” or “Oh no, not again”?  Our language and thoughts coagulate into our existence; we must be aware of what we say as we work out.   Our words can either assist us or block us from our goals.  The practice is not only to work the body, but we must also be willing to empower the workout with a strong mental and verbal practice.  As we speak words that empower, we will see a shift and the body will move with grace and power like never before.

Meditative Thought: Why Affirmative Prayer?  Prayer is our spiritual thoughts, and thoughts create our existence.  If we believe that The Universe is out to get us, then that becomes our truth.  If we declare our separation from The Divine and live as a victim, we deem ourselves as powerless.  Affirmative prayer is a tool to shift our consciousness from victim to Victor.  Prayer is a way to return our mind and our thinking back to God.  The prodigal son only remains the prodigal son as long as he wants.  He always had the power to return home.  Prayer is our road map home.

Today’s Action Plan:  Today, consciously release the victim mentality and begin living life as a victory.  At the end of your day, take time to journal your experience.

Affirmation:  Just for this moment… just for this breath, I pray to shift.  I am a Victor and I release the victim.  And so I am.  And so I let it be.  Amen

Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach

For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit:

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DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS: 30 Days of Faith, Hope, Prayer, and Gratitude – Day 2 “The Affirmative”

DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS:  30 Days of Faith, Hope, Prayer, and Gratitude – Day 2 “The Affirmative”

Today’s Body Connection:  During your physical practice, what is it that you hope to achieve?  What are your desires?  What is the intention?  In other words, how would you like to feel after your workout? We must constantly check in with our self; self-exploration is the key when transforming the body-temple.  It is our hopes and desires that will carry us from point A to point B, and we must keep the faith that transformation is possible and that our goals are achievable.  Hope is the answer when your current condition looks unchangeable.  We must keep that little spark of light at the forefront of every session.  No matter what your weight-loss goal is — five, ten, or even 15 pounds — stay with it; you can do it!

Meditative Thought: Most people believe in God, a Universal force that governs our existence.  Prayer is a way to access and commune with that energy.  I used to pray to a God outside myself, asking and beseeching a gray, old father figure for the desires of my heart.  Now I understand that God is within each and every being.  I am one with this all-powerful force.  I pray with an understanding that I am one with the source of life.  I use a form of praying called, “Affirmative Prayer.”  Instead of begging for something, affirmative prayer states the truth of life.  Affirmative prayer declares our unification with God.  I believe we have everything we need.  Affirmative prayer is a tool to anchor that belief.  It is no longer whom I am praying to, it is where I am praying from.  I am praying from a place of knowing that I am Love, Joy, Abundance, Wholeness, Peace, Order, Balance, Gratitude, Oneness, and Compassion.  Affirmative prayer is a prayer field anchored by the universe, immersed in God.

Today’s Action Plan:  Today, during your prayer time, practice affirmative prayer.  Speak the truth of who you are.  Say, “I am Abundance, Love, Joy, Grace, Compassion, Creativity, Wholeness, and Prosperity.”  Take the time to journal your feelings and the vibration affirmative prayer gives you.

Affirmation:  Just for this moment… just for this breath, my life is the life of God and I am one with all Divine qualities.  And so I let it be.  Amen

Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach

For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit:

Get your copy of “Spirit Explosion”

DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS: 30 Days of Faith, Hope, Prayer, and Gratitude – Day 1 “Creating a Practice”

DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS:  30 Days of Faith, Hope, Prayer, and Gratitude – Day 1 “Creating a Practice”

Today’s Body Connection:  We have all heard the saying, “practice makes perfect.” Now let’s change it around: “perfect makes practice.”  What I mean by that is when we understand our divine perfection we free ourselves to do the practice required to sustain that awareness.  For the next 30 days commit to a physical practice.  When we begin to move our body we activate a spirit of hope.  Every time we say yes to fitness, everything else becomes a reflection of the practice.  Walk, run, dance, weight train, it does not matter; get moving and watch your life unfold to greatness.

Meditative Thought:  Do something for 30 days and the practice becomes embedded in your consciousness.  I invite you to take part in the next 30 Days of faith, hope, prayer, and gratitude to help transform your body, mind, and spirit.   Join me on a 30-day journey exploring the practices that empower your life, experiencing prayer, meditation, affirmations, and a commitment to physical activity.  It doesn’t matter what you believe; just know that there is one universal force that expresses itself in so many ways.  The next 30 days focus on the space we practice from, not who we practice to. Make a commitment to pray for your family and friends, and be grateful for the people in your life.  I believe that the practice is the spiritual answer to every problem.

Today’s Action Plan:  Today, take all your cares and worries to prayer.  The outcome will amaze you.  Write a letter to God. Tell the Universe about what ails you.  Now imagine a God bigger than your problems.

Affirmation:  Just for this moment…just for this breath, in the mind of God I have no problems or issues.  God is bigger than any worries I could have.  And so it is.  Amen

Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach

For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit:

Get your copy of “Spirit Explosion”

DAILY TRANSFORMATIONAL NUGGETS FOR THE BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT: Transformation – Day 29 – Threefold Transformation”

DAILY TRANSFORMATIONAL NUGGETS FOR THE BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT: Transformation – Day 29 – Threefold Transformation”

Today’s Body Connection:  As your journey unfolds, you will become aware of your personal trinity: the mind, body, and spirit can never be separated; they are aspects of self, making up the one.  Each piece represents an intricate part of our lives that simultaneously affects other parts.  The way we think affects the way the body moves.  How the body feels can influence the way we think.  Any spiritual practice can be swayed by how we think and feel.  The Hindu practice of Yoga is to prepare the body for meditation.  If the body is stretched and relaxed, it can sit for longer periods of time in the stillness, allowing for deeper realization and cultivation.  Awareness is key; understanding that the three are connected allows your journey to be full and effective.

Today’s Meditative Thought:  Transformation is threefold: Mind, Body, and Spirit.  It’s all or nothing.  All three are connected.  You can’t truly transform your body, your relationship, and/or your life until you shift the way you think.  And every transformation must come from God within your spirit that knows it must be set free.  Every malady in your life has a spiritual solution, and once we tap into that knowledge our life will change, our bodies with shift, and our lives will be better. We will experience a lasting transformation. We will stop riding the train of change and we will be on the ship of transformation.

Today’s Action Plan:  Today, put into practice the tools that will shift your spirit; change the way you think, and your life will expand.  Commit to the physical, mental, and spiritual practice that is working for you.  Push the restart button again, if need be.  Get moving and/or keep moving no matter what.

Today’s Affirmation:  Just for this moment…just for this breath, my transformation is to Mind, Body, and Spirit.  And so it is.  Amen

Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach

For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit:

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DAILY TRANSFORMATIONAL NUGGETS FOR THE BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT: Transformation – Day 26 – “Determination and Tenacity”

DAILY TRANSFORMATIONAL NUGGETS FOR THE BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT: Transformation – Day 26 – “Determination and Tenacity”

Today’s Body Connection:  One of the great challenges while transforming the body-temple is staying with and adhering to the required program.  Your determination to complete the goal requires “staying power.”  You will always come to a fitness crossroad; your choices are to keep going or to give up.  Your tenacity and persistence is the key.  You cannot win if you are not in.  You must stay in the game.  That old saying rings true: “Quitters never win and winners never quit.”  To put a new spin on it, “You can’t win a game if you don’t play.”  Trust me, it’s one of the hardest challenges of your life, but transforming your body-temple from unhealthy to healthy is the most fulfilling goal you will ever achieve.

Today’s Meditative Thought: True and deep transformation requires determination and tenacity to see God’s plan come to fruition.  You are the divine vision in living form.  The shift will happen if you don’t give up.  Be determined to stay in the race.  We all have great insights, but when we cease the work that is required, or we don’t see change right away, we shelve our dreams and move on.

Today’s Action Plan:  Today, be determined; continue to allow your transformation to come forth.  Stick with it no matter what.  Find an accountability partner who will stand with you no matter what, even when you don’t want to continue.  Once you have connected with your partner, make the commitment to stand with them.

Today’s Affirmation:  Just for this moment…just for this breath, I am determined and filled with divine tenacity to see my transformation come to life.  Amen

Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach

For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit:

Get your copy of “Spirit Explosion”

DAILY TRANSFORMATIONAL NUGGETS FOR THE BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT: Transformation – Day 25 – “Dedicated to the Practice”

DAILY TRANSFORMATIONAL NUGGETS FOR THE BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT: Transformation – Day 25 – “Dedicated to the Practice”

Today’s Body Connection:  As you train the body-temple, focus on staying dedicated for the present moment you are in.  Commitment is required, but for the moment.  On your runs, stay dedicated for one breath and one stride at a time. During your strength training, commit to one single repetition at a time during the set.  During yoga, devote yourself to the one pose you are experiencing.  So do not worry about any exercise outside of the present.  Your power comes from the NOW, not the future or the past.  Be mind of where you are and what you are doing.

Today’s Meditative Thought: Transformation requires dedication, but we must commit to only one breath at a time.  Be dedicated to the practice just for today, one moment, and even one breath at a time.  You can’t run before you crawl, and transformation is an endurance race, not a sprint.  Dedication is being present and awake to the moment you are in.  Then, before you know it, you have shifted your whole existence.

Today’s Action Plan:  Today, be present to the moment you are in.  Dedicate to the breath you are taking and have faith that you are in the midst of your transformation.

Today’s Affirmation:  Just for this moment…just for this breath, I am a living dedication to my transformation.  I surrender to God and allow the blessing to be my everyday way of life.  Amen

Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach

For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit:

Get your copy of “Spirit Explosion”



Today’s Body Connection:  Every workout is a time to remember who and who’s you are.  Our life is a dance of forgetting and remembering our power.  The physical practice is always a tool for remembering, if we set the intention.  When you do cardiovascular training, remember your capacity to breathe.  When you lift weights, remind yourself of the never-ending strength that lives within your soul.  When you take a Pilates class or train your core, remind yourself that a strong foundation is needed to build your life.  And our yoga practice is a reminder to be more flexible in our lives.  Our physical practice reminds us of the spiritual journey we have said yes to.  It is all connected!

Today’s Meditative Thought: Transformation is the journey of remembering who and who’s you are.  Today, remember that you are divine and fine.  There is only one thing to change, your consciousness and that is everything.

Today’s Action Plan:  Today, transform the way you see yourself; be still and remember.  Mindfully move through your day with only empowering thoughts.  Whenever you think of your body-temple, bless it with love.  This might be a challenge at first but you can do it.  Set the intention to remember to be kind and love to your self.

Today’s Affirmation:  Just for this moment…just for this breath, I remember to remember.  Amen

Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach

For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit:

Get your copy of “Spirit Explosion”



Today’s Body Connection:  Yes is more than your consent; it is an agreement to activate greatness within your life.  Look at your physical practice as an opportunity to release mediocrity and an invitation for you to live your greatest life.  Every moment during your workout is a moment that God wants to show up as you.  The only destiny is that the Universe is seeking is to express itself as you.  Will you let it happen?  Will you say yes?

Today’s Meditative Thought: Your yes is the gateway to transformation.  The vibration of yes allows a shift to happen.  Use yes to carry you through.  Say yes to the transformation to your new self.

Today’s Action Plan:  Yes, Yes, Yes…Today, use yes to empower your change, mind, body, and spirit.  Write a journal entry of what it means to say yes to your expansion, and what it looks like.

Today’s Affirmation:  Just for this moment…just for this breath, I say yes, yes, yes.  Amen

Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach

For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit:

Get your copy of “Spirit Explosion”

DAILY TRANSFORMATIONAL NUGGETS FOR THE BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT: Transformation – Day 20 – “Transforming the Heart”

DAILY TRANSFORMATIONAL NUGGETS FOR THE BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT: Transformation – Day 20 – “Transforming the Heart”

Today’s Body Connection:  Cardiovascular exercise is a form of training that increases the health of your heart and the ability to breathe in oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. Every time you increase your heart rate, you increase your capacity for life.  True transformation is one that we cannot always see, but that we can feel.  When we train the body-temple, we experience the power of the Universe living within our soul.  In yoga, we call it the Prana, the life energy force, and it is felt in the heart chakra.  During your workout, feel the energy pulsating as you breathe; feel the heat of life running through your blood.  Take a moment to be aware and present.

Today’s Meditative Thought: Transformation comes from the heart and transforms the heart.  The deepest transformation is felt within the heart chakra, the green energy circle in the middle of your chest.  You know when you have been truly changed.  You feel it.

Today’s Action Plan:  Today, open up your heart and feel the transformation.  Meditate on the growth that you have experienced this month.

Today’s Affirmation:  Just for this moment…just for this breath, I say yes to the transformation of the heart.  And so it is. Amen

Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach
For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit:

Get your copy of “Spirit Explosion”

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